For example, Telegram channels have now spread information that shutdown in some Ukrainian regions will become longer and people will be left without electricity a day or longer. All this is served under the sauce of very "official" information. However, such a statement cannot be found on the pages of local authorities, DTEK, Ukrenergo and more. To discredit power, propagandists often began to cover topics as if in Ukraine they are inhumanely given to men by a military enlistment office.
In particular, last week they spread the fake on how taxi and couriers mobilize. They seem to be called at the address and instead of ordering they are waiting for the military enlistment office. Right on the spot they are written out of the summons. Video from the network is used as evidence of propagandists. It is purely humorous, and it is visible to the naked eye. The Russians also say that Ukrainian children are currently beginning to prepare for work in the Polish fields.
Schools allegedly began to introduce more Polish and physical education lessons for this purpose. There were several mistakes in the propaganda fake, which, in addition to the absurdity of the situation, could immediately expose such lies. Also, to intimidate about service in the Ukrainian army, they are spreading unconfirmed rumors that the military receives as a salary of bonds. That is, the message is moving that the authorities saves on their fighters.
Všetky práva vyhradené - 2022