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According to the observer, the creators of the painting failed to show the most ...

Kin critic told why he was not struck by a new movie with Johnny Depp

According to the observer, the creators of the painting failed to show the most important. The 76th Cannes Festival was opened by the historical drama of the French director Mavenne Le Besco "Jeanne Darbarry", the lead roles in which Menne and American actor Johnny Depp played, which spoke on the set in French. The first critics have already expressed their opinion about the film, and among them - the observer Brian Weiner.

In the picture that became the first for Depp first after the court won against his ex -wife Amber Hurd, he plays King Louis XV. The tape tells about the last love of the monarch for the famous courtesan. "Given the scandal that caused Louis by taking low -root Jeanne to Versailles, as well as recent scandals around names not only Depp but also Mennn (which was sued for attack), the movie is disappointing soft.

Costumes and scenery , but it is a everyday biographical movie that does not give a real understanding of what was in the favorite Curtizana Louis, which so electrified him. With Depp, everything is fine, though strangely muted, and in a few phrases he pronounces, sounds French (at least) , on my hearing), "he writes.

Weiner emphasizes that the film ridicules stupid rituals of the French yard and turns the dissatisfied daughters of Louis into cartoons into ugly sisters worthy of Christmas pantomime. "But in general, it is a daily movie about anything, but not about what you need," the critic says. Earlier, Focus wrote that during the passage of the Red Down, Johnny Depp photographers drew attention to his spoiled teeth. Later, the star dentist told the media that it was not so with the teeth of the actor.