41.51 UAH ▲0.34%
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53.73 UAH ▲1.35%
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1.81 UAH ▲2.18%
Power views tourism as a resistance to the post -war revival of the country. How...

Revival of tourism after the war. What to learn in Israel and Croatia

Power views tourism as a resistance to the post -war revival of the country. How to achieve this? Today, the situation with the tourism industry in Ukraine is difficult: inbound tourism has been completely stopped, the internal - is experiencing a boom, but rather forced, caused by internal migration of the population, the need to rest from permanent shelling and restrictions on traveling abroad for the military.

At the same time, Ukraine views tourism as the resistance of the post -war revival of the country, the head of the State Agency for Tourism (Dart) Marian Oleskov reported at the Fitur International Tourist Fair in Madrid. This is an important shift, but it requires a plan. Clearly coordinated and thoughtful steps, supported by international support, will allow to start the revival of the industry quite quickly and effectively.

What can it be? Let's look at the experience of restoring other countries after military conflicts, crises or stagnation periods. An example of Israel is closer to our realities. Despite the constant threat of escalation of tense relations with neighboring states, periodic exacerbations on the border with the Gaza Sector, as well as missile shelling and constant terrorist attacks, the country retains its tourist status as Egypt.

The secret of this is simple: anti -crisis measures are implemented to restore the confidence of travelers, including increased safety around tourist zones, interaction with the media to inform the population and foreigners about the conditions of stay in the country, recreation and travel opportunities, security issues in particular.

Ukraine needs powerful information campaigns that will clearly outline the boundaries of conflict or dangerous regions, emphasize the safety of available tourist centers. One of the consequences of a full -scale war was the spike in Ukraine's recognition in the world. On this wave, we have every chance of developing a strong tourist brand. It is always necessary to take care of image and reputation, and in crisis times - even twice as much.

The experience of Croatia can be relevant to us in this sense. The strong tourist brand of the country as one of the main resort points of gravity of the Adriatic provided strong support for the rapid revival of tourism in the country after the war in the 1990s.

Another example is Turkey, which occurs from time to time the Turkish-Curta conflict, after the next escalation in the early 2000s, to attract foreign tourists in 2009 to advertise $ 70 million budget funds of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (the entire budget of the ministry then made $ 80 million).

To promote our tourist potential, we already have opportunities, in particular, participation in international tourism, involvement of partners and profile organizations in the creation and implementation of the tourism revival program. A powerful step from the point of view of the brand piara can be a summit of countries or UNWTO tourist conference in Ukraine after our victory.

The Law on Investment Nanks, Visa Simplification, Great Construction and Recovery of Museums - Ukraine also gradually restores infrastructure and creates attractive investment conditions for resort construction. In the military realities of the hotel business it is very difficult to stay afloat. Hot with a large number fund (from 100 rooms) suffer most, because current download often does not allow them to be kept at least at break -even level.

It will be very difficult to restore activities without significant investments and benefits (for example, for gas heating, which is now more expensive for businesses). In such prerequisites, the background of infrastructure recovery can be support and development in the first stages of small hotels, villas, bungalo. Such formats of family and more resilient holidays have proven themselves well in European resorts.

In addition, for the development of tourism in small cities that can become tourist magnets, this is perhaps the only economic option. Successful in the development of such formats is the experience of Montenegro and Spain. In these countries, most hotels are exactly the same.