He stressed that 97% of Russian goals are civil objects. In particular, Russia has hit: "We are fighting against a terrorist state. Ukraine will win and bring responsibility of military criminals," Reznikov wrote. We will remind, on November 20 President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that Russia released 4700 missiles across Ukraine. As a result, hundreds of settlements were burned, and thousands of civilians were victims of the invasion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
On November 16, Russia made the most massive shelling of Ukraine since the invasion. At that time, the invaders released almost 100 rockets and dozens of drones in the Ukrainian territory. However, 75 winged missiles and 2 aviation missiles were knocked down. Russia is not going to stop there. On November 27, in the Air Force of Ukraine, it was told that the Russian army can carry out massive shelling once a week.
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