Over the last weeks, photographs of homemade barrowing ammunition have been parted by Russian and Ukrainian Telegram channels. The footage with drone attacks also filled with Pabli on Reddit, reports the author who was interested in these pictures. The so -called FPV drones are usually used by fans for race.
The idea is that the user puts on special glasses connected to the drone camera, controls the device with the controller, getting a video that makes it possible to see everything that removes the UAV camera in flight. In the photos of drones taken from Telegram, the author noticed the details sold by the Ukrainian Flymod racing company. "Unlike DJI drones, or other commercial drones, FPV drones are usually collected by the distilleries themselves.
Fans constantly adjust the weight, try different cameras to achieve optimal lifting force and speed," the author explained and noted that he was on his The comments in Flymod did not answer. According to Golt, the popularity of commercial drones was added by the low cost. In his material, he specifies: "Turkish battle drone" Baracar "costs about $ 5 million, and DJI Mavic - just above $ 2 thousand, and Skydio 2 - about $ 1 thousand. Less".
The author also notes that the Armed Forces use the racetracks very actively. To illustrate this, he quoted the Russian telegram channel: "The enemy constantly conducted reconnaissance with the help of commercial UAVs-sometimes over the village at the same time hung up to 6" birds ". In the afternoon, ordinary quadcopters were used in the afternoon, and at night-with thermal imaging chambers. It was possible to detect the defense and personnel traffic nodes.
When intelligence was completed, Ukrainians fired several roads and intersections. " According to the Telegram, the Armed Forces used drones to monitor Russian positions and then attacked them when the personnel began movement. "One and a half hours followed us a quadcopter with a thermal imaging and beaten from a mortar. This feeling is not pleasant," I said in the message. "I have long analyzed the situation and realized that the main incredible factor in this tactic is fear. Movement is life.
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