According to law enforcement officers, the detainee collected information about the movement and places of base of the Ukrainian military, and then conveyed all the information to the occupiers using the Telegram messenger. "Intelligence information was needed for invaders to prepare and conduct sighting missile strikes at the regional center," the special service said. SBU staff found that a local unemployed resident was recruited to work for the occupiers at the end of November last year.
Russian aggressors ordered their agent to secretly monitor the units of Ukrainian defenders and record their location on the map. During the search, the attacker found a phone that had evidence of his criminal activity. The person reported suspicion under Part 3 of Art. 114-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (unauthorized dissemination of information on the placement of the Armed Forces). The court has already chosen him a preventive measure - detention.
Všetky práva vyhradené - 2022