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Dear Mrs. Rector of Australian National University! Dear teachers! Dear student ...

The world has to make a choice: termination of atrocities of Russia or regular explosions

Dear Mrs. Rector of Australian National University! Dear teachers! Dear student body! I know that there are 20 universities of Australia now participating in the broadcast. I am grateful for this opportunity to chat with you. Today is the 161st day of a full-scale war, which was resolved against Ukraine by the Russian Federation. Every day the world is shocking new reports of new Russian crimes. It should not become familiar to the world. Because it will mean that the world has resigned.

Many people have worried and may still be concerned about the fact that it is necessary to act delicately and not to drain Russia. In order to keep Russia's face. Now it should be obvious to everyone - all this does not matter. It is impossible to get rid of those who are paid. It is impossible to keep the face of the one who does not want it. The Russian Federation has openly demonstrates it for all states for 161 days in a row. Now it is important not to forget any of them.

The world always speaks of Russia's actions only in the context of its last, so to speak, "topical" atrocity. Now the world must finally fold everything and realize . . . He who wants to keep his face does not erase peaceful cities and villages from the face of the earth. It does not fire them from the volley fire systems daily and every night. Does not shoot on residential buildings with winged rockets. Does not shoot on residential quarters with cassette shells or phosphorus bombs.

He does not release rockets at the station, for example, the cities of Kramatorsk, where hundreds of people were simply waiting for evacuation. He does not release rockets in the center of Vinnytsia, where hundreds of people just walked. He does not release rockets at the Kremenchuk shopping center, where hundreds of people bought food or things. Do not drop bombs on maternity hospitals and hospitals. For kindergartens, schools and universities. On museums, theaters, temples.

He does not direct artillery against cemeteries and does not beat rockets on the memorial complex of victims of the Holocaust "Babin Yar". Anyone who wants to keep his face does not commit thousands of war crimes and crimes against humanity. It does not suit the mass execution of civilians. He does not wear handcuffs to civilians, does not kneel and kills them in the back of the head. It does not rape women in their eyes in their children and children - in the eyes of their mothers.

The one who wants to keep his face does not suit the blockades of occupied cities. Do not leave thousands of people without food and drinking water. Do not leave thousands of seriously ill without the necessary daily medicines. It leaves people without light, without heat, without connection, without the slightest hope. Does not break the humanitarian corridors. Does not take people to forced work. He does not steal children, divorcing their families. Dozens of mass graves leave behind.

The one who wants to keep his face does not capture the nuclear power plants, does not kill the units from the tanks. It does not threaten the world with nuclear blow and nuclear war. It does not threaten to arrange an energy crisis. It does not block ports and vessels with grain, creating a threat of mass hunger on the planet.

And by signing a document on unblocking ports and free passage of ships, does not fire the port the next day after signing! Anyone who wants to keep your face does not bring mobile crematoriums to burn corpses, hide their own atrocities and their own losses. Does not treat their soldiers as cannon. It does not treat prisoners worse than animals, does not torture, does not suit mass executions, atrocities, terrorist attacks.

The one who has lost his mind, heart, conscience, dignity and in general all human, does not seek to keep his face. At least because he has lost it for a long time. Today's Russia has long lost its face. It did not happen yesterday, not the day yesterday or last week. It was just once again confirmed. Once again the world saw that it was hiding under the mask of a peacekeeper that Russia has tried to wear for many years. There is another mask. With an eye and mouth slot. Terrorists are worn.

And the only difference between terrorists and Russia is the first to take responsibility for the committed, and Russia does not have the courage to do so and has the arrogance to blame for their crimes of others - individual countries and the whole world. And now this world is faced with a choice. Long -term, uncomfortable for someone, unpleasant, and for someone - inevitable. From it not to hide, do not go between drops, do not lower on the brakes.

For the 161st day of a full -scale war in Europe, humanity has passed 161 points of non -return. For many countries, there is a time when their own interests should be given to the interests of the planet. Otherwise, both the first and the latter will be threatened by the actions of the world terrorist. Any trade, business, other forms of cooperation with Russia today bring incredible benefit by one, and probable death is another.

Political, economic, energy, or any other expediency today is equal to the lives of thousands of people. Which Russian weapons are killed. The world has to make a choice. The UN has to make a choice. The UN Security Council has to make a choice. The International Committee of the Red Cross should make a choice. The OSCE has to make a choice. EU countries have to make a choice. NATO countries have to make a choice. G7 and G20 countries have to make a choice.

The US should make a choice and take this important step - to recognize Russia with a sponsor of terrorism. This time has come. It has come for a long time. The referral of the world clock is launched. And then only two options. Determination, and therefore - the termination of crimes and atrocities of Russia, or regular explosions of regular bombs from these terrorists.

I know that many Australians send financial assistance to our country, transfer medicines, work volunteers in hospitals, provide humanitarian aid delivery, and are at the front. So I urge you to continue helping us, helping Ukraine, in particular in training audiences, defending the truth and debunking the myths that so skillfully learned to factory the Russian propaganda machine.

I am extremely grateful to the Anthony Albenizi government, as well as the previous Australian government, for the systematic support of our country. Which contains large -scale military and humanitarian assistance, sanctions against Russian and Belarusian legal entities and individuals, abolition of tariffs for Ukrainian goods, the provision of coal for our energy. Today, your country provides the largest military assistance to Ukraine among non -NATO countries.