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According to the expert, Russia's nuclear weapons may be in a state that its reg...

"Fear should go out": the Russian Federation should be disappeared under the control of the event - expert

According to the expert, Russia's nuclear weapons may be in a state that its regular troops. This is the greatest danger to Moscow in confrontation with the West. The task of Europe is to bring Russia to a state of controlled decline. The fear of Moscow should gradually fade, and with it the risk of miscalculation. About it writes the editor of the CNN International Security Department year Paton Volsh.

According to the expert, Russia, starting a full -scale war with Ukraine, met the West, which was "happy" to send some of its weapons to its eastern border. Western politicians can be surprised that the so -called "red lines" of Russia are constantly shifting, since Moscow is aware of how limited its non -nuclear opportunities are. Walsh reports that the event has united, despite differences on other issues, such as Iraq, Syria, NATO costs and other issues.

According to the expert, now the Russian Federation has huge problems on the front. According to official statistics, there are already 77 thousand poorly trained mobilized Russians. Russian President Vladimir Putin is forced to ask ammunition in third countries, and also encounters criticism in his address by some Russians. Even those who support the war.

"Exhibited almost like a paper tiger, Russian military decades will fight for the restoration of at least the similarity of equal status with NATO. This is probably a more serious damage to the Kremlin: years of effort spent on restoring Moscow's reputation as a reasonable, asymmetric enemy, which rests on, evaporated approximately In six months of mismanagement, ”the expert wrote. More than the expert reported, even the nuclear threat from the Russian Federation has decreased.

Yes, NATO made Moscow know that it would have big problems if it dare to use nuclear weapons. In addition, India and China have also expressed directly against it. However, most importantly, the nuclear forces of the Russian Federation can be the same quality as the regular army. "There is no greater danger to a nuclear state than to identify its strategic missiles, and the potential will not work in response," the expert wrote.

According to the expert, Europe should immediately get rid of Russian gas and hydrocarbons as a whole, since economic dependence on fossil fuels of dictators cannot ensure long -term stability. However, to say that the Russian Federation has already lost the war - prematurely, because there is still a chance that there can be something that will break the course of fighting in favor of Moscow. Earlier, Focus wrote that in the Russian Federation a possible scenario of Putin's departure was voiced.

Initially, the elites, according to the Kremlin's head of the Kremlin, Abbas Gallyov, intend to offer Putin an option that will allow you to get out of politics peacefully and save your habitual life. Otherwise, they can start acting more decisively. It was also reported that the expert stated that Putin was leading Russia to the dark forest, which she could not get out of. The Admiral of the US Navy retired how the New Year was celebrated in Russia and other countries of the world.