According to him, work has now begun to find the perpetrators of the shooting of the unarmed Ukrainian prisoner. The Russian invaders were specifically published in the network to demoralize Ukrainians, but have reached a completely different reaction. This added only hatred to the Russian Federation both among the Ukrainian military and civilians, Andriy Yusov said. "The Russians deliberately recorded this crime on a video and deliberately published it.
These are those of genocide acts that are not ashamed of the public policy of this regime, and this so -called army," the intelligence representative said. Investigations of a war crime were initiated at the GUR and promised to find authors of a resonant video, who shot the Ukrainian. Russian invaders will be fully responsible and this issue of honor.
On March 6, the Russian military removed and published a roller on which the Ukrainian captive was shot for a phrase, which was not liked by hostile troops. Driving a cigarette, the Ukrainian uttered the phrase "Glory to Ukraine", after which the sound of the automatic queue sounded and the Armed Forces fighter fell to the ground. In the Armed Forces after a small investigation, the name of the prisoner was named.
Všetky práva vyhradené - 2022