Meanwhile, thanks to these photos, it became clear that Ukrainians are hunting for military equipment, which the invaders put near civilian objects. Ukrainian journalist Yuri Butusov called the publication "A stunning session of the Russian propagandist. " "According to a random, Kotz inserted one photo where it is clearly visible where the Armed Forces in Belgorod region is beaten," Butusov said. "It turns Tower -tower, APC, MTLB.
" The journalist stated that the Russian propagandist confirmed that the purpose of the Ukrainian army is a purely military object that pose a threat to Ukraine and used for shelling and aggression. The reports of Alexander Kotz are not playing for the first time in the Ukrainian military. CIT analysts reported the destruction of the tulip mortar, which was filmed by the propagandist on the video.
Všetky práva vyhradené - 2022