This was announced today, April 4, said Deputy Minister of Defense Anna Malyar on Telegram. According to the Ministry of Defense, and before the full -scale war, Russia's information campaigns were constantly recorded on stories and conscription. The enemy tried to popularize stories where the summons were given to the disabled or veteran of World War II. But now the enemy has improved in this matter.
"Now the enemy has complicated his technology a little and adds stories about the amazing places of delivery of stories and" waves "of mobilization. He tries to manipulate on two things: the fear of receiving the summons, the formation of public condemnation to the work of the shopping center of the joint , - added the painter.
She stressed that the work of military enlistment offices should be remembered: also the Defense Ministry is asked not to make a sensation and not compete in the volume of the title. By the way, on March 28, the text of the bill was published on the website of the Verkhovna Rada, which offers the right to demobilize after 18 months of service.
Všetky práva vyhradené - 2022