About it reports the Telegram-channel "Press Service of Prigogine". "As a person is radical, I can say that there is no language about the use of nuclear weapons in response to the drone," Prigogine said. "It is necessary first and foremost to the dib of the one who is responsible for the fight against drones.
" He urged to understand how the Drone attack could occur on the Kremlin on the night of May 3, as well as to do everything possible to make Russia a leading country in the field of unmanned aviation. In the meantime, "we look like clowns that threaten a" nuclear bomb "for a children's drone," Prigogine said.
According to the Russian media, they saw them at the Kremlin at the Rady High in the Moscow region, but in the special services they ignored the reports received by the police, considering them another element of hysteria with Ukrainian UAVs. Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov, for his part, spoke more radical. He called for destroying Ukraine in response to UAV attacks on Moscow.
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