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According to the plans, the rant of 20 such missiles will allow to overcome the ...

Will be able to overcome 140 km: Ukrainian designers develop a winged Trembita rocket (video)

According to the plans, the rant of 20 such missiles will allow to overcome the enemy's air defense and strike targets at a sufficiently long distance. Ukrainian volunteers-designers develop the folk winged rocket "Trembita" with a range of damage 140 km. They plan that cheap Trembits will lift the value rockets from the enemy's SCR. This was reported by the developers of rocket - engineers of the volunteer design bureau Pars with the participation of volunteers of NGO "Razich".

It is expected that a rant of 20 such missiles will allow the enemy's aircraft to be overcome and the targets at a sufficient distance. The rocket engine does not have any moving workpiece and runs on gasoline, and start -ups will be made from pneumatic tape. "Our simple rocket is far cheaper than the enemy's anti -aircraft missile systems shots," the developers say. Volunteers want to deploy the production of individual parts and nodes of trembits all over Ukraine in garage workshops.

"The Russians will not be able to destroy either their rusty C-300 or high-precision" calibers "such a comprehensive people as aboronprom," the developers say. The rocket is intended to defeat priority goals, in particular, air defense facilities, ammunition warehouses or focus of the enemy's personnel. For this purpose there is a thermobaric or combination of fragile-fugural combat part weighing 20 kg. Starting can be done with a pneumatic paulle or solid fuel accelerator.

The developers note that Trembita has a sufficient effective scattering area and a noticeable heat track, which will allow the radars of the enemy to recognize it as a priority target and spend expensive anti -aircraft missiles for its knocking down, which will deplete the capabilities of air defense. Characteristics of the Trembita Winged rocket: Recall that Ukrainians have learned to collect the drones of Kamikadze Cobra in just 3 hours.