"We need to take into account the fatigue of the war and what it means to support from the Western countries. It will be reduced later," Pavel said. He also believes that the situation will be influenced by the US presidential election in 2024. It is expected to focus there on domestic politics. Therefore, in his opinion, in 2024 Ukraine is likely to be able to start any major and complex operations, it is worth counting on 2023.
"If the US support decreases, support from a number of European countries will also decrease. Ukraine has to consider it. It is this year that is crucial for the development of war," Pavel said. According to him, the Western powers now supply Ukraine with the necessary weapons so that it can take the best starting position for any negotiations with the Russian Federation.
On March 19, Peter Paul stated that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will have one attempt to start a large -scale offensive this year. If it fails, it will be extremely difficult to get funds from allies on new attacks. We will remind, on March 17, NYT wrote that the Armed Forces will be able to conduct one counter -offensive due to lack of ammunition.
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