"This undoubtedly does not indicate the increase in the real income of Ukrainians in the war, but indicates that Ukrainians began to be more responsible for declaring," the politician said. Meanwhile, according to the State Tax Service, the total number of declarations submitted for 2022 decreased by almost 79 thousand to about 170 thousand. And the amount of declared income decreased by UAH 25. 3 billion, to UAH 114. 5 billion. Of these, about UAH 3. 2 billion in taxes will be paid.
By the way, in 2023, more than 7600 declarations were filed for foreign income in the amount of UAH 24. 4 billion. Of these, UAH 1. 8 billion will be paid tax on personal income and UAH 363 million.
Earlier, Focus wrote that by law # 8226 provides for the obligation of banks to provide tax information on transactions on special business accounts of FOP with the tax agent of the bank, that is, all information about the transactions of account of funds in accounts, on the purpose of payment, identification and account number counterparty.
Focus also said that Ukrainians who went abroad after a full -scale invasion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022, and made at least one payment from international charitable organizations or governments in another country, obliged to declare these income.
Všetky práva vyhradené IN-Ukraine.info - 2022