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Russia should use only its own scrap for the production of its weapons. Instead,...

The war is ongoing, and world companies sell Russian components for its weapons. What do we do with that

Russia should use only its own scrap for the production of its weapons. Instead, the US and the EU continue to do blood businesses before, and after 2014, US and European companies from the orbit of the military-industrial complex (MIC) have earned huge amounts of trade with Russia.

For example, eight years after Russia's annexation of Crimea and war with Ukraine, the French business managed to get 152 million euros of profits, and its closest German (among the offenders-Techlube and Zoleler) and Italian (Iveco car manufacturer) competitors-122 million. and 22 million euros, respectively. The uncontrolled attack of Russia on Ukraine on February 24 only gave the statement above even more arguments. Many samples of Russian weapons have found foreign components made after 2014.

This means one thing - global and even massive disruption of manufacturing companies by EU and US sanctions. In response, almost immediately after the Russian attack, a legal initiative of Total Isalation of Russia - an association of Ukrainian lawyers, the purpose of which is to force companies with the US and the EU to refuse cooperation with the Russian Security Service of Ukraine and bring them to the maximum possible responsibility. Russia should use only its own high -tech scrap. Reference.

The investigation technology seemed as follows: - investigation and collecting evidence: lawyers investigated publications of military experts, analyzed public initiatives and publications of reputable media and studied the reports of foreign analytical centers. In addition, they analyzed the history of production, modernization of the equipment of the Russian Federation and the establishment of time intervals of supply of sub -goods.

- Legal analysis and evaluation: statements were prepared for the European Commission, ofAC, law enforcement agencies of states whose residents violated sanctions. - reputational pressure: it is about the disclosure of the structure of ownership and the study of the company's activities in the market, as well as informing shareholders and other stakeholders (exchanges, banks, non -governmental organizations).

- political pressure: involvement of the Ukrainian delegate in the PACE and providing him with materials for preparation of the report; Preparation for the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. There is a war, and trade does not stop in general the lawyers of the initiative focused on the 10 most significant cases. Over time, the most common schemes of "bypass" sanctions.

Trading from the Russian Federation, European and American firms were not tensed from the point of view of the legal "cover" of their operations. The same dual -purpose goods were supplied either through the intermediary or by extending the term of "old" contracts (concluded by August 1, 2014). The following are a few resonant cases with which the Total Isalation of Russia continues to work: - Thales: Supply of thermal Imagination Modules for Russian BMDs and Tanks.

Thales Catherine FC thermal imaginary for production date (06-16) Ukrainian volunteers found in the modern BMD-4M, left by the Russian army during an escape from Bucha near Kiev. -French firm Safran: Supply by the subsidiary of Vectronix AG of high-precision compasses for Russian companies of MIC, one of which is found in the Russian optical-electronic surveillance complex "Irony". In addition, Safran sold the Russian Air Force sensory modules.

In the case of this company, there is already a clear result: after our request, the European Commission has independently initiated the investigation into Safran and took control of it. -Intel American Corporation: Supply of Computer Engineering, Microchips of a Sloan Company, which is a part of the Russian concern "Diamond Anta" and specializes in the production of missiles, weapons management systems for fighter aircraft and mobile SPR.

- Belgian New Lachausee: Supply of a line for ammunition through a mediator in favor of Kalashnikov concern. -American company Analog Devices: supply of integrated circuits for transformation of signals by a subsection company, which is a manufacturer of a complex of electronic suppression "Borisoglibsk-2". There may be a natural question: why there are no more significant results than investigating the European Commission against Safran.

First, you need to consider Brussels Bureaucracy and Cumbling. No wonder the European Union and its apparatus are compared to millstones. However, Ukraine gives them an impulse for movement in the right direction. The mere fact that the European Commission on its own has started an investigation against the French Safran to violate European sanctions is important. If the blame is proved, it has been a severe punishment for the next few years. Secondly, there are indirect results in our hands.

Here is an example. Often, in order to bypass pan-European sanctions, MPC-producers have supplied products to the Russian Federation through jurisdictions that have a ignoring of trade restrictions, for example, an administrative offense. The European Commission was liquidated in early December, when it was decided that bypassing sanctions is a criminal offense that would be punished by imprisonment for five years and a fine of 5% of the company's world turnover.

It is unlikely that Brussels would improve the legislation if, for the most part, from Ukraine - there were no loud voices that sanction policy did not work. In the end, public punishment (criminal, financial, reputational) of European companies will be a lesson for other corporations that see Russia's attack on Ukraine and, accordingly, generous Christmas bonuses.