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Shoiga with Gerasimov - on the way out. As Kadyrov helps Putin to eliminate the disagreeable military

"The shadow of the resignation was hanging over Shoig and Gerasimov. But Putin feels so weakened that he is forced to launch a whole propaganda campaign to shift the deer and a hybrids that got into the chair. To attract Kadyrov with adjoining, promising them all sorts. television shatters. " Opinion. We.

We are still able to puzzle from Ukraine! With my backward analytical intelligence, I believed that Putin would change his military leadership in April, immediately a drape of Russians from Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities. And he will make it decisively and mercilessly in the style of Stalin, under which he mow. But no, Shoiga with Gerasimov continued to rub Putin and the rest of the underworld that "everything goes on plan. " And they gladly consumed this fu*lo. And here - it began. Probably.

Perhaps. The shadow of the resignation was hanging over Shogu and Gerasimov. But it turned out that Putin felt so weakened politically and physically that he was forced to launch a whole propaganda campaign to move the deer and hybrids that have grown into the chair. To attract Kadyrov with Prigogin, promising them all sorts of buns - administrative and budget. Lower the television sheds.

I write about it, because such roundabouts around the small elimination of those who have not coped are the obvious weakness of the Russian authorities. And this weakness gives rise to great fermentation under the helmets of those who still hope for the victory of short -lived. And it weakens the military power of the aggressor no worse than the massive volley of Himars. Because without faith in victory there is no victory. Innoment is something in the pm ** kingdom. And it pleases.