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It is time for Ukraine to stop making plans in the format of

Ukraine will not give money in Russia: Europe is afraid that losses for the euro will be greater than the cost of the seized

It is time for Ukraine to stop making plans in the format of "Golden Polubotok", the economist Alexei Kush warns. No one is going to return us frozen Russian assets. Financial Times has confirmed all that I have been writing since the summer of last year: no one is going to give Ukraine blocked Russian assets. And even percent from their use.

Financial Times writes about it, analyzing the European Central Bank's reports, which warned the EU executive bodies about the possible consequences of any use of Russian assets in favor of Ukraine. What is the essence of this two? The systematic struggle for the right to obtain a "global seniority" is currently underway.

I would like to remind you that Seniora - from the French Seigneurige - "Senor's power, ownership of a senior" or income derived from the issue of money, and is assigned by the issuer on property rights. It will not be too much exaggeration to say that the number of global poles of influence in the world, its "polarity" is determined by the number of major world reserve currencies. Now it is a dollar and euro, with a great lag - the English pound and Yuan.

It can be said that China will never become a global force without the reserve use of yuan, which he gradually strives. This also explains Brix ambitions to introduce its cluster settlement unit: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa with the ability to access Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries.

Anyone who covers the world reserve currency is the world "senior" or "global feudal lord", which appropriates other people's material resources in exchange for virtual and paper. In addition, the global seniority allows its owner: the US sanction policy, on the one hand, allows them to keep the world hegemony, on the other - the volume of reserve investments in the dollar decreased to the mark below 60%. It is a very peculiar dichotomy with two variants of consequences.

But the EU cannot afford it. That is why the ECB stated that any action on blocked Russian assets would undermine trust in the euro institute as a world currency. Quote: "The consequences can be significant: it can lead to diversification of reserves from assets denominated in euros, increase the cost of financing for European countries and lead to diversification of trade. " The same position was confirmed by a representative of European diplomacy: "It is very difficult to understand how to do it.

You cannot bypass the rule of law. And if you find something legally substantiated, what will be the consequences for the status of the euro as a world currency?" In simple words, the expropriation of several tens of billion euros of Russian assets can lead to the exit from the European currency of dozens of Asian, African and Latin American countries.

They will stop keeping their central banks in the euro, and their investors will stop buying debt securities of EU countries, especially Germany and France. And their depositors will start taking their deposits from European banks and transferring them to the Gulf of Chinese or banks. The losses may exceed the cost of the withdrawn. This reaffirms my correctness of the delusional idea of ​​Ukraine's issue of debt "for the restoration of" secured by blocked Russian assets.

In such a scheme, no one will give us assets, instead, the debts will remain on us, and they will have to repay them at the expense of their budget revenues or attract new debts. And the money to restore in the meantime will be safely "mastered". Then some of the "elites" admitted to the feeder will take money to themselves, and will leave our debts. And Russian assets Europeans will leave under the coming of future treaty elites in the Kremlin for political bargaining.