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Your high, Mr. Prime Minister! Dear businessmen present! Dear Mr. Ilon Musk! Dea...

Energy independence from Russia is fundamental to all Europeans, and only together can we protect Europe - the President of Ukraine's speech at the Northern Sea Skelter conference

Your high, Mr. Prime Minister! Dear businessmen present! Dear Mr. Ilon Musk! Dear friends! Ladies and Gentlemen! I am grateful to everyone and every one of you who is present for the opportunity to communicate and take part in this important discussion.

I am sure you are informed informed about the situation in Europe, about the risks - I have heard now, you have talked about - which we all have now in addition to the brutal terrorist war, which Russia leads against our citizens, our country, against our independence. And it is important to know that it is independence of all other European countries. It is a war for independence as such. We all see how destabilized the gas market.

We all see European countries review their plans for coal, coal power plants. We all see that the threat of energy poverty is becoming real for tens of millions of people in Europe, who have recently been able to afford normal energy consumption. We all see that the price of energy is so high that thousands of businesses have come into a crisis. And this leads to reducing jobs and falling income of workers. And in winter, energy prices can grow even more . . .

We all see that for the first time since 1986, when the Chernobyl tragedy has occurred, we have to consider the most seriously as possible scenarios of counteraction to the radiation catastrophe, which Russia is approaching its terror at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Station. These are all well -known facts. But what do they testify? People often make completely different conclusions from the same facts - someone is correct and someone is wrong.

The discussions subsequently determine the opinion of the majority - whether correct or false. And it happens that mistakes pass without a trace. And it happens that the price of mistakes becomes very high when false political decisions are made due to false conclusions. Here's what the authors of this large -scale - and absolutely artificial are the crisis that Europe is experiencing. They want Europeans to be scared.

To make false conclusions and gave way to European values ​​in favor of a ghostly reduction in prices. Russia uses economic terror, pressing the price crisis and poverty to weaken Europe just when its full force is needed to protect against terror in the war, which Russia has been running for more than six months. Full -scale war! And in general, her intervention has been eight years old. This is where the Russian state, its officials and companies - such as Gazprom.

To create crises and to make crises go into catastrophes. Just now, Russia burns at least 10 million euros near the Finland border daily. Gas is burned that should come to German and other European consumers. Russia cannot stop its production, does not want to send Europeans because it is interested in crisis and has no other buyers. So just burns this gas. Just as they burn our people.

10 million euros in the fire at the border of Russia are hundreds of millions of euros additional expenditures from European middle class pockets, ordinary workers, pensioners for energy. And also daily - because of inflated market prices, because of the shortage, because Russia is trying to prevent the filling of European gas storage facilities before winter. A normal market player would have already put a free volume of gas on the market.

The terrorist state does everything to the market at least gas at the best price, which pulls out other prices. And that's all - part of Russian hybrid aggression against all people, against all of us, against all of you, against all of the united Europe. And look at the situation at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Station. Why Russia does it? Why Russia Radiation Blackmail? The same goal, absolutely cynical, is completely calculated - to intimidate Ukrainians, to intimidate all Europeans.

Blackmail and force. It is a pressure for the sake of Russian state propagandists and officials to say that it is not Russia to blame, but someone else has created another crisis, and it seems that the other should be influenced, and it is supposed to negotiate with the Kremlin for the sake of it.

Just think about it: Russia is the only terrorist in the world that has been able to turn the nuclear power plant into a battlefield and consistently does everything to look, and where the wind can bring this radiation if, God forbid, a catastrophe will happen. Most of the older generation of Norway, I think, remembers that the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl station were felt even in Central Norway, in the Throcheima area, and in the north of your country.

And for all of us is a terrible risk. It is a memory of unacceptable, and for Russia it is simply an additional opportunity. The fact is that the Russian leadership has such a specific bandit logic - they create problems, hoping that the victims of these problems will come and try to agree on their solution, and the bandit will receive something. Russia wants Europe to close his eyes to the war, and for the sake of this provokes internal chaos in Europe.

In us, Russia wants to take freedom of weapons by force, and in you - by these crises, which it creates and exacerbates. Russia wants to make you abandon European values. Here is the correct conclusion from the available facts. And on the basis of this conclusion, a correct policy is required. The policy of even greater association, which the Prime Minister said now, association in Europe for the sake of our joint protection. Policy of even greater energy independence in Europe from Russia.

Policy of even greater sanctions against Russia. This is not normal when there are still no blocking sanctions against Rosatoma for radiation blackmail at the Zaporozhye NPP, for which the Rosatom, who are at the station, are responsible and specific workers. And this is not normal when any Russian citizen can get a visa to European countries to relax or go for shopping-we know it perfectly with you-even if he is a military criminal or helps the Russian state to work against Europe.

This is not normal when some European companies have not yet decided whether to leave the Russian market. And this is not normal when someone still hopes for cooperation with Russia in the energy sphere. There can be no concessions to the bandits! Only new sanctions on them. I want to give an example of Norway - an example of true principle in the protection of Europe. Although Norway is not a member of the European Union, you have joined European sanctions against Russia.

Defense and other assistance to our country by Norway is vital - we will always be grateful for it. We are pleased to hear that your energy companies increase gas supply to European countries while Russia is ready to simply burn gas so that it is not to supply it. And we note the contribution of Norway to the development of renewable energy sources, to capture and store carbon, to the development of batteries and hydrogen energy.

Europe will become truly strong and protected from crises, when all European countries become as fundamental as Norway. For its part, Ukraine can already do - and does - specific things to protect our common values ​​and normal life on the continent. We are fighting for freedom and for what Europe is based on, protecting all Europeans in this war. And this is not a pathos - it's true! We united Europeans and helped overcome various contradictions that split the continent for decades.

We have shown how power Europe has when it unites and which enemies can overcome. In addition, Ukraine can become - and, I believe, will become one of the guarantees of energy security of the European continent. Together with Ukraine, you can never allow such price crises. We have a unique system of gas storage facilities over 30 billion cubic meters near the European Union border. We are asked: how can you help? This is practical - use our gas storage facilities this season.

Today, for example, we have free volume - 15 billion cubic meters. Ukraine requires 3 billion additional reserve, which we ask you to store with us, and another 12 billion cubic meters - it can be the gas needed in the winter for the safety of the whole of Europe. You can help us. And it will be your help to both us and ourselves. Ukraine also has significant natural gas deposits. The Russian leadership dreamed of stealing this part of our national wealth. But we will not allow it.

We invite all investors, contractors and service companies to come to gas production in Ukraine. Want to help us pragmatically - please this tool. Receive licenses, conclude product distribution agreements, reconnaissance and drilling. We would be grateful to you. Our gas deposits can play the same stabilization role for Europe as deposits, in particular, Norway.

We are preparing to increase the export of our electricity to the EU countries - despite the war, during the war we provide this export, and our electricity is much cheaper than it is on the market. We can really help overcome the crisis of life in the EU neighboring countries. And we invite you to invest in the production of "green" energy and "green" hydrogen in Ukraine. Our state is one of the best locations to provide all over Europe with "green" energy and "green" hydrogen.

We have everything for this - enough space, good wind, good sun, as well as ready energy logistics - these are powerful transmission lines, these are gas pipelines that can be used for hydrogen - of course, after appropriate modernization. It is not the first time we say that Europe's independence from Russia, in particular in energy, is fundamental to all Europeans. And for the first time we say that together with Ukraine Europe is able to make much more than with Russia.