The control was established on six main areas, it is carried out only in the case of entry from Russia to Belarus. The Border Committee noted that such measures were introduced for a while, but did not specify the date of their cancellation. Reported that "before a special order". Meanwhile, local Telegram channels report multi-kilometer queues that are lined up near the fast-paced gearbox. "The Russians check with passion - careful passport control, etc. ," - the message reads.
The subscriber said that everyone was driven out of the cars, search and record documents. We will remind, on May 1, the former Kremlin spicher Abbas Gallamov said that Belarusian politician Alexander Lukashenko anticipates the defeat of Russian troops in Ukraine and "begins to answer". Thus, it becomes a problem for Putin. On April 28, Lukashenko stated that Ukrainians and Poles would not attack Belarus.
Všetky práva vyhradené - 2022