According to him, if the trend continues, more than 1 million Ukrainians will remain without access to drinking water. The shooter also demonstrated informs where you can see what the consequences of the water level in the Kakhovka reservoir can lead to. For example, an environmental catastrophe will occur if the water level drops 12. 70 meters.
"And a decrease in less than 12 m will lead to an environmental disaster, as there will be loss of many species of fish and biodiversity," the minister said. According to him, intentional drainage of water by Russian invaders and the drainage of the Kakhovka reservoir is nuclear terrorism, since the cooling of nuclear reactors of Zaporizhzhya NPPs is threatened. Earlier, Focus wrote that the invaders drained the Kakhovka reservoir.
According to experts, it is threatened with the provision of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians drinking water, as well as almost half a million acres of agricultural land. However, the most important thing - without water in the Kakhovka reservoir will not be able to operate the cooling system of Zaporizhzhya NPP. It was also reported that Russian invaders were brought to the Zaporozhye NPP by Kalinin NPP. The Russians had Ukrainian instructors, but they refused.
Všetky práva vyhradené - 2022