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President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke at a meeting of the UN Security Council dedic...

Russia should be held accountable for the crime of aggression against Ukraine, the corresponding resolution will be submitted to the 77th session

President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke at a meeting of the UN Security Council dedicated to the maintenance of peace and security in Ukraine, and called on participants to bring Russia to justice for the crime of aggression against our country. He told the members of the UN Security Council that today four passenger cars were lit in the Chaplin railway station in the Dnipropetrovsk region, at least 15 people were killed and about 50 were injured. “Rescuers work.

But, unfortunately, the death toll may increase. So we live daily. So Russia prepared for this meeting of the UN Security Council, ”the President said. Volodymyr Zelensky stressed that today the Russian Federation has put the world on the brink of a radiation disaster, since the Russian military made the territory of the ZPEU - the largest nuclear power station in Europe - a zone of combat.

"Due to the armed provocations of Russia, through shelling, through the deployment of terrorists under the Russian flag, all Europe and all neighboring regions are at risk of radiation pollution," he said. The President insists that the IAEA mission as soon as possible to constantly control the situation at the Zaporozhye NPP. Russia has, without any conditions, leave the station and stop nuclear blackmail.

In addition, the Head of State drew the attention of UN Security Council to the fact that in the 21st century he had to fight artificial famine in different countries provoked by Russia's aggression. “I thank the UN Secretary General of Mr. Guterrish, and Turkey, Mr. President, and all other conscientious subjects of international relations that are struggling with the food crisis, which is responsible for only Russia.

And in the coming weeks we have to do everything to expand the current grain export initiative, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy said. He also noted that the Russian Federation consciously tries to provoke an energy crisis and deprive tens of millions of people with normal access to basic goods, winding prices for energy. "The energy crisis for Europe, the threat of large -scale famine, political chaos for Africa and Asia, the price crisis for the whole world . . .

Isn't it too much allowed by one state whose representative sits among you?" - the President of Ukraine addressed the audience. Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized that Russian invaders killed thousands of Ukrainians, destroyed by artillery dozens of our cities. Russia does not adhere to the basic conventions of prisoners of war. “The conscious murder of our prisoners of war in Olenivka has become one of the worst pages in Europe's history.

And the UN mission to establish facts in Olenivka, whose mandate must be distributed to all Ukrainian prisoners, which is now being held by Russian forces, is immediately required, ”he urged. The head of state emphasized that if the victory of Ukraine is not stopped now, all Russian killers will inevitably be in other countries. "And we all have to unite and act as strong as possible so that there are no more traces of Russian missiles and the Russian artillery burned," he said.

According to the President, in order to never have a threat to a radiation disaster, Russia must release the captured territory of Ukraine. “In order to never have a food crisis again, Russia must come out of our Earth and our sea. In order for no state to neglect the UN Charter and compulsory conventions for all humanity anymore, Russia must be held accountable for a crime of aggression against Ukraine, ”the Head of State emphasized.

“The relevant resolution will be submitted to the 77th session of the UN General Assembly. In order for the sense of justice to return to international relations again, we must all confirm and force Russia to admit that the inviolability of borders and peace are unconditional values ​​for all peoples, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy added. The President supported the ambitious intention of UN Secretary General Antonu Gutherrish to organize a summit of the future next year.

According to him, it would be very symbolic if this event took place in Ukraine, because it is in the territory of our country that the future of the world is now being decided. “To build the future, it is necessary to leave on the landfill of history what always prevented humanity from living in peace, namely: aggression and colonial ambitions, that is, what Russia came to Ukraine.