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Ukrainians! Ukrainians! These days are mentioned by the Russian war against Geor...

After this Russian war against Ukraine, neither the smoldering nor the frozen conflict should remain - President Vladimir Zelensky's address

Ukrainians! Ukrainians! These days are mentioned by the Russian war against Georgia in 2008. There is a lot of talk about the preconditions of that war, its consequences. A plan of action on membership in NATO has increased the audacity of the Russian leadership about how this year's refusal to give Ukraine and Georgia. However, the war at the time did not become a history, it has not completely gone into the past.

Therefore, it is necessary to speak not so much about what was, but about what you can do. At that time, the challenges are still very relevant. And not only because the threat of further Russian aggression in this part of the Caucasus is still stored, although it is frozen. Only now did the world be aware of the need for real effective tools to prevent such aggression and to hold any aggressors responsible.

2008, 2014, 2022-in the wars that began in these years, different scale and character, but one meaning of what happened: regional and global security mechanisms did not work. That is why in international relations so requires the principle of preventiveness, which we insisted for a very long time until February 24.

If it is already clear that some state is preparing aggression - unfair, unprovoked, illegal, then the world's response to its preparation should be the same as the aggression that has occurred. We should not wait for the blows and victims, but to act to prevent war. After this Russian war, neither the smoldering nor the frozen conflict should remain against Ukraine. This is an important conclusion.

Ukraine has to return everything that Russia has temporarily seized, and the aggressor state must be punished for the crime of aggression. And this is important not only for justice. Only the obvious loss of the aggressor, the loss of all the passionate and his international legal responsibility for aggression are fuses against any war.

This is where our diplomats, office, government officials and absolutely everyone involved in the organization of global political, economic and legal response to Russian aggression work. By protecting our country, we automatically protect everyone who has already threatened or can threaten the terrorist state. And, of course, the largest contribution is now made by the military - all Ukrainian heroes who break Russian terrorist car on the battlefield.

I especially want to thank the Ukrainian anti -aircraft command "Center" and the South Air Command for the successful destruction of Russian missiles, which were launched in the morning from the Black Sea. Four whipped "calibers" are dozens of saved lives of Ukrainians. Some of the missiles that Russian terrorists launched in Ukraine in the afternoon and launched in the evening. Yes, our military means are still not enough to guarantee all Russian missiles.

And we will do everything to make such means in our country. But even now, the skill of our heroes makes it possible to at least partially, but to reduce Russian terrorist threat. I am grateful to everyone and everyone who provides it! We will actively inform the world about Russian nuclear blackmail - about shelling and mines of Zaporizhzhya NPP. There are already appropriate reactions of the international community. But you need to speed up in response.

Russia will not pay attention to words and anxiety. New sanctions against the terrorist state and the entire Russian nuclear industry are needed to create a threat to a nuclear catastrophe. The world should not forget about Chernobyl and remember that the Zaporizhzhia NPP is the largest in Europe. The Chernobyl disaster is an explosion in one reactor, the Zaporizhzhya NPP is six power units. He negotiated with President Botswana - the first in the history of our bilateral relations.

They discussed cooperation in the UN and other international organizations, thanked for condemning Russian aggression. Mr. President assured that Ukraine is ready to continue to be a guarantor of world food security. Grain export initiative is ongoing - today, for the first time from February 24, a loaded ship from the port "South" has been released. There is now every chance of ensuring the rhythm of such exports.

However, the key is, as in the previous days, the ability of partners to prevent any efforts to disrupt exports and aggravate the global food crisis again. And I want to remind all our farmers, all our port employees, all those involved in related industries, and to anyone who comments that maritime exports were renewed thanks to our warriors who defended the relevant water area: our intelligence, our specialized specialized operations.

And the Alfes of the SBU, artillerymen, naval forces, air forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, border guards and all our heroic army, which defends the state. Today, a new US support package for Ukraine has been announced. These are, in particular, Himars missiles, artillery ammunition and many other truly useful things. I thank the President of Biden and all the people of the United States for this support, 100% of which we use to protect freedom, our common freedom.