Later, Tretyak updated the information and wrote in Telegram that the power supply in the city center was restored. The mayor also stated that according to Vinnytsia Ova, the enemy struck the object of critical infrastructure located in the region. According to preliminary data, there are no casualties. This information was confirmed by the head of the Vinnytsia OVA Sergey Borzov. Ternopil mayor Sergei Nadal also reported on electricity problems.
He wrote that in connection with the missile strikes of the invaders in the city and region, power lines were damaged. "Today, rockets have been damaged by power grid equipment in neighboring areas. There may now be emergency shutdowns in Ternopil and the region," he wrote on Facebook. At the same time, information about explosions in the Lviv region was received, however, according to the head of the Lviv OVA Maxim Kozytsky, these data are not true.
"Information about explosions in the Lviv region, which during air anxiety spread some telegrams, has not been confirmed. In the Lviv region everything is calm. Thank you to our soldiers on all fronts," the official wrote. Earlier it was reported that a pregnant woman was killed on October 17 as a result of blows to Kiev Droam-Kamikadze. In addition to her body under the rubble of the destroyed house, rescuers got the bodies of two more people.
Všetky práva vyhradené - 2022