Also on the Telegram-channel "Rotten Cherry" reported that it was likely that he was detonating the ammunition of Russian invaders. "Detonation is heard in Melitopol! This indicates that the Great Russian Peveo has worked and cane is burning!" - noted on the channel. According to Russian occupier Vladimir Rogov on his Telegram, 6 explosions were heard. "There was a series of explosions in the city. There are now six explosions," he said.
We will remind that on June 27 the speaker of the united Press Center of Defense forces of Tavriysky direction Valery Shershen stated that during the day of the Armed Forces 84 invaders in the Tavriysk direction were liquidated. Thus, the units of rocket troops and artillery of defense forces completed 1024 fire tasks. In addition, on June 27 in Berdyansk and Primorsky reports a series of explosions.
Všetky práva vyhradené - 2022