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Dear Forum participants! Ladies and Gentlemen! I am grateful for this opportunit...

We will force Russia to peace if all our partners keep their words as Ukraine does - President Vladimir Zelensky's speech at the International Economic Forum "Amboroseti"

Dear Forum participants! Ladies and Gentlemen! I am grateful for this opportunity to turn to you right now when we are all going through a very risky moment in this war. I would like to start with the fact that you may have not noticed. But I ask you to pay attention to him. Pay attention to the fact that independent media are now watching the work of the forum.

As far as I know, there are representatives of media such as Corriere Della Sera, Rai, La Repubblica, La Stampa, New York Times, Financial Times, Reuters, Fox Business Channel, CNBC Europe. And, I think many others. And in total, 280 media representatives are covered. We are open to you. And I cannot imagine that one of us is afraid of such or similar media. But I will tell you who is afraid of them. As you know, Ukraine is at the epicenter of Russian radiation blackmail right now.

In March, the Russian army seized the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Station and still holds it. It is the largest atomic station in Europe - there are six atomic reactors. The station has repeatedly undergone shelling. On the first night, when the Russian invaders came there - on the night of March 4, they fired at tanks. There is a video confirmation. During the months after that the situation did not change: shelling and provocations daily, constantly.

Under the cover of the nuclear power plant, the Russian army fired at neighboring cities and districts - this was a strategy. The occupiers are fired by the station itself to press on Ukraine and all of you in Europe, to the whole world. They want you to show weakness so that you give up and stop supporting Ukraine. This is why Russia does this radiation blackmail.

Recently, the Zaporizhzhia NPP was literally a step from the disaster, when the fire transmission lines were damaged as a result of shelling, the automatics began to stuff the reactors. It is only through Ukrainian atomicists who work there absolutely professionally even in such difficult conditions, can the accident be prevented. If it were not for our professional people, Russia would already provoke the worst catastrophe in Europe's history - even worse than Chernobyl.

And it is logical that it requires a rigid international reaction. With the help of partners, we provided the IAEA mission to send to the station - just yesterday the mission visited there. We agreed with the chairman of the Grossi Mr. Mission, when I met with them, that they would help with the main - NPP safety issues. The main question is the demilitarization of the station. Because it is a key to protecting all of us, all Europeans from a radiation disaster.

We also agreed that independent journalists from the Ukrainian and international media will arrive at the Zaporizhzhya NPP. The same media that now cover this forum. But what did we see? The Russian military stopped at the checkpoint of journalists who went with the mission, did not miss them. Obviously, the invaders felt that in the presence of free media it would be impossible to lie to the IAEA and all over the world. Free media scare Russia. And it talks right away.

If you do not allow independent journalists to the station, then you are aware of your responsibility for the catastrophe on which the station is, and you are afraid that the world will draw conclusions about your responsibility. Unfortunately, the mission did not defend the journalists and did not crash the Russians so that independent media were still at the station so that everything was open and fair there. And we talked about it with the mission and agreed.

They said that without the admission of independent journalists, Russian propagandists would be dominated by Russian propagandists. It will be theater. Unfortunately, we have not heard from the IAEA and the main thing - a call to Russia for the demilitarization of the station. And how can it be without it? I very much hope that the mission adheres to what the parties have agreed and that the interests of the entire international community are.

The risk of radiation disaster cannot be left in 40 years. It is impossible to leave the military state-terrorist at the nuclear power plant. There are situations where the fate of everyone on the continent depends on the word. Now is this situation. Ukraine has repeatedly demonstrated that our word always has weight. Always. In many areas, this is visible. Of course, we did our best to make the IAEA access to the Zaporizhzhya NPP. I believe this mission may not be in vain.

And also this is another example - we have fulfilled our obligations for grain export initiative, which removes the severity of the food crisis in the world. Therefore, it does not allow the new migration crisis. Hunger in Africa, Asia would lead to new waves of migrants to Europe, in particular to the Mediterranean coast, to Italy. But we do our best to prevent it. Ukrainian food has already reached 20 countries by sea.

Our wheat is also sent to countries such as Ethiopia and Yemen, where the situation is particularly difficult. Our word on food security guarantees will continue. We are ready to help stop the price chaos in Europe. While Russia spends strength to increase gas deficiency in the market and prices, Ukraine is ready to increase exports of electricity to EU countries.

In particular, it is important that the Zaporizhzhya station returns to the safe mode of operation and remained connected to the Ukrainian power grid. The Russian presence at the station significantly weakens our opportunity to help Europe in the energy sphere. Through our electricity exports, we can stabilize our neighbors' energy consumption in the EU. As a result, this will reduce Russia's energy throughout Europe and therefore to Italy.

Even now, with all difficulties, we can export such an electricity that corresponds to at least 8% of the consumption of all Italy. Moreover, Ukraine can become a "green" energy chab for Europe, which will replace Russian dirty energy. Dirty - in different senses of the word: both environmental and moral. Our country has a huge natural potential for the development of capacity in the "green" energy and in the production of "green" hydrogen.

It is a potential of at least tens, and possibly hundreds of gigawatts of "green" electrical capacity and millions of tons of "green" hydrogen. It is important that there is already an infrastructure for the transport of electricity and hydrogen to the EU. And all this is. And we have always adhered to the words in providing Europe with energy.

Just compare this with the typical behavior of Russia, which always violates contracts and uses the economy for political blackmail without fulfilling its promises. Even during a full -scale war, Ukraine did everything to obtain the status of a candidate for entry into the EU. We have fulfilled our obligations quickly and efficiently and will do everything to start negotiating on EU membership. We will definitely be with you in a united Europe.

I am grateful to Italy and personally Prime Minister Mario Dragi for the support of our country on this European path and in defense against Russian aggression. Every word of our arrangements with Mr. Dragi is followed by one hundred percent. A truly worthy person is truly worthy of relations between our states. And life itself demonstrates that we need even more integration, even more arrangements and results.

We need to ensure that every promise to increase pressure on Russia to finally stop radiation blackmail, guarantee the complete safety of the Zaporozhye NPP and four other large nuclear objects in Ukraine. All words regarding the support of Ukraine with weapons, shells, finances should be confirmed as this war is ongoing. Russia does not understand the words of peace. But very well feels strength on the battlefield. The force must be behind Ukraine, by the free world.

In particular, the sanctions that the world applies as self -defense against Russia's aggression. The power should be on business, especially in Europe. The reputation of none of the companies can withstand radiation. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately break relations with the country that went to radiation blackmail. And do not expect catastrophes to make decisions, go to the predicted partners. Ukraine is just such a partner. Of course, now war.

Of course, Russian rockets are beating on our earth. We lose people every day. I will remind you only one terrible figure - 379. So many Ukrainian children are killed by Russian blows. More than 735 children are injured. All together in Europe and in the free world, we have power to end this war. So, over time, we can move to much more meaningful economic relations. Ukraine is already one of the world's largest agrocultural producers. You have already talked about it today.

And with you we can build one of the largest agro -processing clusters, strengthen our ability to be a guarantor of food security, making Ukraine a place of production of food available for the whole world. Ukraine is also an ideal location for the placement of any processing enterprises. From woodworking to all types of engineering. We have a large number of virtually all resources and fossils - from gas to lithium; Qualified people, fast logistics to the European market, good access to it.

We want it, we strive. Ukraine is an ambitious reconstruction project after fighting. Reconstruction for hundreds of billions of euros is all that Russia has destroyed its terror. Tens of thousands of different objects must be constructed again. And I am grateful to those Italian companies that have already shown their interest.

And Ukraine is a completely new defense and security sector whose capacity will fit because we have survived in this war and which will make a fundamental contribution to Europe's security in the next decades. Of course, after we force Russia to liberate our land and to peace. And this is possible, provided that all our partners will keep their word. Just as Ukraine does it. Just as Italy does. I thank for the power of the Italian word for actions that confirm this word.