And we know that we will read today and what adventures we will remember," she said. The source from the environment was told by the Russian blogger Telegram channel Elijah Varlamov that the writer was in a coma last week. He was denied all bodies. The Russian media Mash adds that on April 1, Bagheorov was hospitalized with gastrointestinal bleeding in one of the Moscow clinics.
When entering the hospital, Edward Baghirov was diagnosed with cirrhosis with excessive accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, the newspaper reported. "According to our information; . . Baza writes that after hospitalization, the writer decided to write out and moved to a paid clinic. Bagirov gained popularity in 2007 by Gastarbeiter's novel. He described the adventures of a migrant from Turkmenistan, who tries to conquer Moscow.
Bagirov in the preface noted that the plot of the book is partially based on his own biography. Moldova's special services arrested Bagirov in June 2011 on charges of organizing and managing the State Audit on April 7, 2009. The writer was in custody for 4 months, then transferred to house arrest, and he illegally returned to Moscow. In April 2015, the Chisinau Court sentenced Bagirov to 5 years in prison in absentia.
In addition to writing, Bagirov was actively engaged in politics - he was a trustee of Vladimir Putin in the 2012 presidential election. In 2016, he ran for the State Duma from the Patriots of Russia. Recently, the writer has led the author's program "Bagirov vs" propaganda "SPutnik". On June 20, 2022, he called on strikes in the decision centers in Ukraine.
For evidence of this necessity, he gave an example of news spread in Roszma about "the destruction of more than 50 generals and officers of the Armed Forces" in the area of the village of Shiroka Dacha of Dnipropetrovsk region Kaliber missiles. This statement was voiced on June 19 last year by a representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Igor Konashenkov.
Všetky práva vyhradené - 2022