This opinion on Wednesday, May 3, was expressed by Advisor to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Alexei Kopitko in his Telegram. "All this noise with incomprehensible UAVs has two moments sensitive to the Russian Federation. The first. Kopitko. According to the minister's adviser, Russia is already signaling that preparation for the "operation" has begun in different regions. "Unknown drones" dump "unknown objects.
This is a very" archetypal "situation for Russia, so it can have serious consequences," Kopitko added. The adviser is convinced that the Kremlin is well aware that Ukrainians will not be able to cause even a thousandth of losses that the Russians themselves are capable of. "In Moscow, the people who, for money, are ready to run the Kremlin for the money or for the fun.
The adviser to the head of the defense department stressed that now the Russian Federation is imposed not against Ukrainians, but against the Russians. "Because in this case, a much more dangerous drone that flies 5 km is much more dangerous. In general, it is interesting how the Kremlin regime in the temporarily controlled Moscow will be reflected from the Russians," Kopitko summarized.
In Moscow, it was stated that on the night of May 3, two percussion drones were attacking the Kremlin and were eliminated by air defense forces. What happened accused Ukraine. The network also appeared a video showing an explosion in Moscow over Vladimir Putin's residence. The footage shows that UAVs crash into the flagships of the Kremlin Palace building. The press service of the Ukrainian President named the attack expected and injection of the situation before May 9.
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