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Dear Mrs. Prime Minister Frederixen! Dear Minister Bedskov! Dear present, dear p...

No one will be able to stop the wind that will carry radiation, but together we are able to stop the state-terrorist Russia-the presidential speech at the donor conference of allies of Ukraine from North Europe countries

Dear Mrs. Prime Minister Frederixen! Dear Minister Bedskov! Dear present, dear participants of the conference! I am grateful for organizing such an important event needed right now - and not only Ukraine. To begin with, I would like to remind you one episode of our common story with you. It happened in Sweden. About 700 kilometers from Copenhagen, just more than an hour. One day at the Forsmark nuclear power station, control devices showed the presence of radiation contamination.

Then everything was quickly checked and the origins of radiation on the "Frostmark" were not found. However, from other sites in Sweden, as well as from Finland, reports began to receive, which also records an increased level of radiation. Anxiety began in Denmark - also recorded an increase in the level of radioactive substances. It became clear that there was an emergency, but then they did not know exactly where.

They analyzed the nature of the pollution, the direction and speed of the wind and found out that somewhere in the territory from the Minsk to the Black Sea there was a disaster. It was April 1986. The day after the explosion of the atomic reactor in Chornobyl. The Soviet authorities were then silent about what happened. And she tried to diminish the scale of the catastrophe.

However, it was impossible to hide it - there was already a publicity in Europe, there were already evidence of pollution, and a discussion has already begun what it threatens to all people. I will not remind you now all the details of those days. You probably know all about it. About the fire at the Chernobyl station and the efforts of those who tried to stop the deployment of the disaster.

About the diagnosis of "acute radiation disease" and about people who in the terrible death torment were begged for salvation. Significant territories were contaminated. The Chernobyl still stores the exclusion zone where people are forbidden to live. Hundreds of thousands of residents of different countries have been injured in one way or another. And for years after that catastrophe around the world they thought how to make safe nuclear energy.

For years, they have been monitored to comply with special standards to guarantee the prevention of such catastrophes. And for years, no one has thought that Europe may be threatened with a new catastrophe at the nuclear power plant, not because someone would violate any security standards, but because some state will consciously use the nuclear station for terror. That's what Russia is doing now.

And if the Soviet authorities tried to hide the Chornobyl disaster and its full consequences, then the Russian authorities are much more cynical and dangerous - it does everything itself to make the risk of a nuclear catastrophe maximum, and lies on the world that someone else is to blame. We have to protect Europe from this threat. Protect all together. And probably not only Europe. Because the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Station in Ukraine is the largest on our continent. Third in size in the world.

Six units! During the years of this station, there was no incident that would threaten the safety of Ukrainians or all Europeans. But now the Russian occupation army is using the Zaporozhye Nuclear Station for terror and armed provocations. Russia turned the nuclear power plant into a battlefield. When the invaders came to the Zaporizhzhya NPP, their tanks fired it.

Direct guidance - on the station! By placing combat equipment on the territory of the station and even conducting the disposal of ammunition there, the Russian soldiers cannot but know that they put the whole of Europe at risk of nuclear catastrophe. And, of course, the Russian authorities are aware of what the consequences may be when its troops are fired at the nuclear power plant, in particular from jet artillery.

In August, it was now-they damaged the station's connection lines with our power system, as well as radiation monitoring sensors, nitrogen oxygen station, hydrogen pipelines and appropriate infrastructure. Even then, Europe was a few steps from a nuclear catastrophe. And now we are all in this difficult situation. We are convinced that the trajectory of winged missiles, which Russia is firing the territory of Ukraine, is not accidental over the Ukrainian NPP.

All these are manifestations of Russian nuclear terrorism. Russia has become a terrorist state and actually holds nuclear stations in hostages and blackmails everyone with a probable catastrophe. Probably, each of you has already thought about how to act if Russia applies the so -called tactical nuclear weapons. Think about it.

Russia can provoke the largest radiation accident at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Station, and in fact, the actual consequences may be even more catastrophic than Chernobyl, and in fact - the same as the use of nuclear weapons, but without nuclear impact. None of us will be able to stop the wind if it carries radiation. But we are all able to stop the terrorist state together. And the faster we will stop Russia, the faster Europe and the world will be able to feel security again.

All you need for this is well known. Sanctions against Russia need to be strengthened and not allowed to bypass. In response to nuclear blackmail, rigid sanctions against "Rosatom" are needed - these are specific things - and the entire Russian nuclear industry, not agreement with them. Constant political pressure on Russia is required to increase the number of anti -war coalition participants and reduce the range of those who at least somehow ready to assist Russia in these circumstances.

And most importantly, it is necessary to support Ukraine with weapons and shells. In order to truly stop Russia, the Armed Forces of Ukraine should have as many shells as it is necessary for Russia to be unable to press on the battlefield. And Ukraine weapons need such capacity, such a long -range that Russia is forced to finally think about finding a peaceful solution.

Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, who is now present among you at the conference, will surely inform you of specific defense needs. The second point is finances. Russia still receives tens of billions of dollars through trade with other countries, including Europe. And in Ukraine, the monthly shortage of the state budget is about $ 5 billion. And the destruction from the war is in the territory of Ukraine. And we cannot wait for the war to restore normal life.

Our children, like yours, should go to schools. Our youth, like yours, should study at universities. In Ukraine, as well as you should work hospitals and social infrastructure. Therefore, Ukraine needs reconstruction. Now! Just now! And especially on the eve of the winter season. We need to mine. And, of course, we need to prepare defense for winter conditions.

Therefore, sufficient and timely financial support for our country, for the budget and for Fast Recovery is as vital as weapons and shells for our army and sanction against Russia. And the state that blocks this funding for Ukraine cannot be justified. She should remember that she is a European state and should immediately remedy the problem. And the third paragraph is the export to Russia, the supply to the companies of the terrorist of components and dual-use products.

Russia would simply not have a capable army in modern conditions if it were not imported details. Electronics, optics and many other details of foreign production are used in the creation of missiles, drones, communications, armored vehicles and more.

This flow of technical assistance to Russian terror should be completely stopped! There should be an effective mechanism for controlling any supply to Russia, so as not to miss any details that can go to the production of weapons for shelling of peaceful cities or nuclear power plants. Ladies and Gentlemen! Response should now be full -scale, as is the war that Russia has begun. No one needs new catastrophes. It is necessary to draw conclusions from the 1986 catastrophe.

From the decades that Russia has used to prepare for this submarine war against all of free Europe. Since eight years of war in the Donbass and from 170 days of terror against Ukraine after February 24. No silence is only true. No delay is only decisive action. No confusion is only a confident unity. Weapons and shells are needed for our defense - to the maximum. Finance for Ukraine is sufficient and without any bureaucratic blocking.

Full isolation of the terrorist state, primarily economic, technological, and the most rigid sanctions is required. This is our duty to our countries, to all future generations of free people - to do everything to stop Russia, to ensure its loss in this war, and to ensure that no other state can repeat this terror.