
Putin - 70 years. 10 reasons why should he go

"Today, the bloody dictator of the anniversary is 70 years. It was for his anniversary that he prepared an invasion of Ukraine to show himself and all other tyrants how incredibly strong he is and that he should be afraid of the whole world. , the people and the President of Ukraine have transformed Putin's plans into nothing, destroyed the myth of the power of the Russian army and Russian weapons, and Russia itself was on the verge of riots and half -life for the first time in 20 years. " Opinion.

We. We from Ukraine Russian political, regional and business elites have already realized that Putin should go. It remains to create a revolutionary situation in Russia, and the bloody tyrant will be thrown from the throne, to break into shreds or to be issued for the International Court. I believe that it will be! In the meantime, we will give 10 arguments why Putin can no longer stay in the post of President of the Russian Federation. 1. The world has changed, Putin is not.

Further preservation of the full power in the hands of a 70-year-old dictator is the threat of peace. But first of all - for Russia itself. He came to power in a completely different era when the mobile phone was a luxury. Now that the whole world lives online, Putin is still reading the Internet for paper prints. Remaining in captivity of retarded conservative beliefs, Putin does not have time for the world, which has rushed forward at space speeds. He does not even know what the people lived.

Such a person cannot manage the modern country if they do not want to build a decent future, but only cultivate the heroic past. 2. According to Putin, Russia has become authoritarian gerontocratia. The head of state relies on the same retrograms. All his immediate surroundings are people of one generation with him. They also "stuck" in the 90's, if not in the late "scoop". A kind of Renaissance "Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU" in the era of digitalization.

The aging elite has not changed for decades. It was in the USSR, that is, in Russia, which Putin and his accomplices are built behind the patterns of the stagnation era. 3. The President deceived the expectations of the population. He stole stability but gave nothing in return.

For centuries, autocracy in Russia (no matter who on the throne - the king, the Secretary -General or the President) has been built on a secret agreement: power provides an increase in social standards and protects, and the population does not fly into the affairs of power. This base was time until February 24. Now Putin and his flock are demanding from people of slave obedience. In this case, social standards are sharply reduced, and men are taken to soldiers. 4.

Acela missed! Flands need a new leader! Even the most loyal officials and fierce propagandists are obvious that the "special operation" in Ukraine has failed and the goals have not been achieved. Instead of a lightning victory, Russia was stuck in the war. The fact that in Putin's sick imagination was painted as a small victorious war, will end not with an "increase in territories", but a shameful defeat, multibillion dollar reparations and the collapse of Russia itself. 5.

Putin destroyed the basis of Russian well -being. For 30 years, Russia got up from his knees. By the end of 2021, the Russian Federation was growing economy, the social level of the population was strengthened and there was every chance to become one of the world leaders. But Putin decided to exchange the national heritage for war.

As a result, the standard of living falls, NATO approaches the borders, generations of Ukrainians will not forgive "special operation", earlier loyal countries are distanced from toxic Russia. The standard of living of the Russians flies in the abyss, tens of thousands die, hundreds of thousands return to the wounded physically and morally, millions lose confidence in tomorrow. 6. Putin is sick. No matter how much they assure that the president is strong and full of energy, this is not the case.

Everyone saw a handing hand, unnatural poses, a swelling of the face, the missing posture. Almost every day, there is information about Putin's problems with physical or mental state. Health (including mental) dictator with a nuclear button is the subject of close attention of all Western intelligence and world leaders. 7. A crazy dictator is ready to start a nuclear war. The self -confident Russian dictator has repeatedly hinted at the readiness to use nuclear weapons.

If the risk of nuclear catastrophe is inevitable, Putin, along with relatives, relatives and service, will have time to hide in the bunker, where they will live for a long time and happily. But millions of Russians will die in torment. 8. Russia turns into North Korea analog. The population of Russia became Putin's hostage. The borders are quickly closed. The citizens of the exile do not want to see either in Europe or America.

And soon the Kremlin will lower the iron curtain and above the last loopholes, where the Russians run, escaping from the grave. But life in a closed country is also a fall in quality of life: there will be no imported medicines and products, there will be no modern equipment and services. Instead, the permissiveness of the authorities, total censorship, denunciations and war for years or even decades. 9. Russia will have to "live without Putin.

" The longer the transition to a new reality, the more painful it will be. The only thing Putin can offer Russia is total isolation! He exhausted himself as the country's leader. The longer Putin's power continues, the more difficult it is to establish relations with the world again, the more difficult it is to restore economic growth, the harder it is to stop leaving the country of smart people. 10. Putin does not represent the future of Russia.