
Already, a fundamental response of the international community to Russian strikes at the Zaporizhzhya NPP is needed - the Presidential Appeal of Ukraine

I wish health, dear Ukrainians! Today is the Day of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and now I want to congratulate again on the professional holiday of all military pilots and not only - but all defenders and defenders of our sky. We are all proud of you and wish you so many victories so that the Russian military is simply afraid of even thoughts about our Ukrainian sky.

In the morning, he congratulated the soldiers and commanders of the Air Force, presented state awards to the best soldiers. He passed the Order of the Golden Star to the wives of the dead Heroes of Ukraine - Lieutenant Colonel Edward Vagorovsky and Major Dmitry Kolomiyts. They gave their lives, rescuing brothers and defending our country. Eternal memory and gratitude to the heroes! He spoke with the President of the European Council Charles Michel today.

He informed him about the situation on the battlefield, about the threat that Russia posted by blows at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Station. There is no such people in the world that can feel safe when the terrorist state fired at the nuclear power plant. God forbid, something irreparable will happen - and no one will stop the wind that will carry radioactive contamination. Therefore, the international community response to these Russian strikes at the Zaporozhye NPP is needed now.

The situation in the Donbass remains very difficult. Our army is doing everything possible to stop Russian terror and cause the occupants as much loss as possible. Avdiivka, Sands, Marinka, Bakhmutsky and other hot areas in the Donetsk region take the main efforts and, unfortunately, many lives. It is also difficult in Kharkiv, in the south of our country, where the invaders are trying to concentrate forces. The key now is weapons for our defense, weapons from partners.

Every day and without any pauses we work to strengthen the supply of weapons, in order to send more powerful and long-range systems to the front. And for the week we expect news from partners on support packages. Good news. In this summer, there is more and more reports that the occupiers are preparing for pseudo -referendums in the occupied areas of the south of our country.

I want to say a very simple thing: everyone who will help the occupiers at least somehow realize their intentions will answer. They will respond to Ukraine. The position of our country remains as it was before: we will not give anything our own, and if the occupiers go through these pseudo-referendums, then they will close any possibility of negotiations with Ukraine and the free world that the Russian side will definitely be required in a certain moment.

Next week, I continue the practice of political appeals to representatives of partner states and peoples who, together with us, defend freedom. A number of important negotiations are also planned - and not only with current politicians. Ukraine will still do everything to know about our struggle and Ukrainian needs in all countries of the world and in all audiences - even those that usually do not follow political life. In particular, Jessica Chesain, an American actress, arrived in Kyiv today.