
They go to the military path: there will be no negotiations in Kiev and Moscow in the near future - the media

According to journalists, the parties firmly stand in their positions, which testifies to the desire to achieve great advantages at the expense of their troops. Representatives of the United States and Europe have come to the conclusion that it is not difficult to discuss the possibility of completing hostilities in Ukraine in the near future, neither Kyiv nor Moscow intend to intend that both sides of the conflict are adamant in their demands. About it reports "New York Times".

This week, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba has made a detailed proposal to hold a "peaceful" summit by the end of February. But in an interview with Western journalists, a Ukrainian diplomat noted that Kyiv will agree to negotiate with Moscow only after the Tribunal on Russian Crimes.

In response, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry said in response that Kiev needs to agree with the requirements of Moscow, including to give four Ukrainian regions, which in September decided to annex in the Russian Federation, otherwise "the Russian army will resolve this issue. " The Kremlin Prescribe Dmitry Peskov stated that there could be no peace talks with Ukraine without recognizing today's realities about the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to Stella Gervas, professors of Russia's history from Newcastle University, Kyiv's proposal partially sheds light on the vision of Ukraine as the war in Russia could somehow end. However, "Lavrov's answer is not very promising, and indicates that we have been separated from the beginning of peace talks from the beginning of peace talks. " The fact that the parties are firmly in their positions are evidence that they expect more advantages to the power.

The initiative is now on the side of Ukraine. The Armed Forces managed to recruit most of the territories captured by the Russian Federation since the beginning of the intensive phase of war. Although under Russian occupation there are still significant territories of the Southeast. For its part, the Russian Federation collects troops and causes air blows to infrastructure. Recall that the American general spoke about the Kremlin's desire to restore negotiations with Ukraine.