
"It will end in negotiation": Merkel spoke about the completion of the Russian-Ukrainian War

According to the German politician, in 2008 Ukraine was not ready to join NATO, and the Minsk agreements of 2014 gave it time to prepare for a full -scale war with the Russian Federation. Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she would not participate in the negotiations on the end of the war between Ukraine and Russia. According to her, the question is "not standing. " In addition, it has no reasons for how and when the war is over.

She stated this in an interview with the Italian edition of Sette. According to Merkel, all wars sooner or later end in negotiations. "There is a difference between the forced world, which I do not want, like many others, and open and friendly conversation," she said. Merkel also spoke about whether she does not consider herself responsible for the fact that Russia has begun an invasion of Ukraine. According to her, she was always guided by logic in her policy.

"I conclude that I made my decisions at the time, following the logic, which still seems to me reasonable," Merkel said. According to her, when the issue of Ukraine and Georgia's accession to NATO was discussed in 2008, the countries were not ready to become members of the Alliance. "The two countries did not have the necessary details. More, there were no thorough reflections on what consequences would have such a decision in terms of Russia's response and NATO," Merkel said.

It commented on the Minsk agreements, which she said to Ukraine to become stronger. "And I doubt that then NATO could have done so much to help Ukraine as it is doing today," Merkel said. The former Chancellor of Germany noted that everyone knew that the war in the Donbass after signing the Minsk agreements became a frozen conflict that was not over. Merkel called the issue of construction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline. According to her, then Russian gas was not issued such "devil".

Earlier, Focus wrote that the Chairman of the Defense Committee of Germany was criticized by Scholz for refusing to tanks for Ukraine. Marie-Agness Strak-Tsimmerman stated that she was angry with empty discussions in Germany about why the tanks of the Ukrainian army cannot be supplied. Instead of talking, it is necessary to help Kiev fight Russian terror. We will also remind that in Germany detained a double agent, which spies on the Russian Federation.