
Pro -Russian hackers promise to destroy EU banks right now (video)

The attackers stated that they were going to collapse the EU banking system so that the money to buy weapons no longer receives in Ukraine. Several pro -Russian hacker groups, including Killnet, Revil and Anonymous Sudan, have promised to carry out the most powerful attack on European banks within 48 hours, Lenaru reports. The publication has received exclusive information from hackers and even a promoter with an announcement of the attack.

First of all, they want to collapse the banking system, which "controls the entire EU", said in the promotional room an unknown representative of the Killnet group. He called on the entire hacker community to support the attack. Another purpose is to deprive the funding of the Kiev Mode, which will be deprived of the opportunity to buy western weapons. "It's not a DDOS-attack, the games are over. There is no money-no weapon-no Kiev regime," Hacker said in a video.

According to the promises of "hactivists", this is what the Russian edition of cybercriminals calls, by analogy with "ours - scouts, and strangers - spies", the banking system of the EU will save nothing and "when the blow is hit - it will be something late".

One of the leaders of KillNet, which according to some reports is guided by the special services of the Russian Federation, which is hidden under the nickname Killmilk, confirmed to reporters that the preparation for the attack is already ongoing and it will start in the next two days. It will be a grand attack in history, he promised. The very fact of the combination of these different in their ideological essence of groups is surprising.

After all, each of them has different goals, although at this point they focused on a single attack, apparently against the "common enemy" that the event is considered. The Killnet group among cybersecurity experts is considered a pocket project of the FSB and Russia's military intelligence. These manual hackers have gained popularity after the beginning of Russian aggression against Ukraine when attacked the resources of the international community of hackers and Anonymous activists.

Those, in turn, began to attack goals in Russia, speaking on the side of Ukraine. Killnet is constantly attacking the computer infrastructure of NATO countries and countries that support Ukraine, and Anonymous is attacking, but with the sight of the Russian Federation and the states that support it. Killnet was remembered by its successful attacks on Lockheed Martin (Himars manufacturer), as well as on Ilon Mask Starlink's satellite infrastructure and FBI portal.

Revil group is considered one of the most famous and mysterious in the world. These are international hackers that attack any infrastructure or corporation with the help of decryption programs, demanding redemption for deciphering data. For these cybercriminals there are no limits - they strike where you can get more benefits. The amount of redemption required by hackers can reach even $ 50 million. There have been cases where corporations and even government agencies had to pay ransom.

Although a year ago, the FSB stated that the leaders of these hackers detained, Darknet doubted the success of this arrest. The third group that supported the attack on the banks of the European Union is Anonymous Sudan. They usually choose large Swedish corporations, from which they require redemption for the return of stolen data or decryption of files that are encoded by harmful encrypters.