
After the war, Ukraine will become the center of building a new security system in Europe - Andriy Yermak

After the end of the war, Ukraine will be a strong state of the European Union, which will build a new security system in Europe, the head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak is convinced. He stated this in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine. “I definitely see Ukraine very strong. I see Ukraine that has gained a sense of dignity for many centuries, unfortunately, surviving a terrible tragedy, losing a huge number of people.

I see it center of Eastern Europe, the center of building a new security system at least in Europe. I am convinced of this, ”said Andrei Ermak, answering the question of which he sees Ukraine after the war. The head of the Presidential Office expressed his conviction that our state has already received respect, so after the war, Ukraine will definitely consider and will never be treated again as a country that can only be pity.

“I also see a very fast membership of Ukraine in the European Union. Honestly I will tell you: I believe in signing not only a global contract on security guarantees, but also in signing bilateral contracts on security guarantees with our leading partners, ”Andriy Yermak said. “If we talk about domestic policy, I think we are so free that nothing but democracy, we simply have no blood. We just won't accept another.

The authorities must be democratic, rely on fundamental values, for which we, in fact, today we are fighting. I do not know if there will be any changes in the political system. Life will show. The most important thing is that the priority has the values ​​for which the whole Ukrainian people fight, ”he emphasized.

With regard to post -war relations between Ukraine and Russia, the head of the Presidential Office expressed his conviction that the return to the "fraternal relations", which Russia was constantly spoken about. "Whether it is a new" Berlin Wall ", or whether it is just a pragmatic coexistence is difficult to say. First of all, it is difficult to say what will happen to Russia. Probably a lot will depend on this.

But there is great symbolism in the fact that, destroying the old Soviet buildings, infrastructure, they also destroyed Ukraine's last connection with the USSR. There will be no sentiment even in the Soviet Union. And that's good, ”said Andrei Ermak. According to the head of the Presidential Office, the Ukrainian people have forever flipped over this page and sees their future in the European Development Vector and Western values.