
Russian SPS C-400 has reached operating readiness in Turkey's army

Earlier, Ankara signed an agreement with Moscow on an additional division of the complex with partial localization of production. Russian anti-aircraft missile systems C-400 have achieved readiness in the Turkish army. About it reports Army Recognition. The Turkish Ministry of Defense stated that the army was ready to use the C-400. Turkey has purchased 4 anti-aircraft missile complexes in the Russian Federation for $ 2. 5 billion. Turkey has signed a contract for the first complex back in 2017.

This caused NATO scandal. The United States insisted and insisted that Turkey should be abandoned C-400. Instead, in August 2022, Ankara signed another contract for air defense systems. The C-400 is the Russian development of Diamond-Anta. It is intended to destroy air objects such as winged and ballistic missiles, as well as aviation. Moreover, it is stated that the SPS may allegedly knock down hypersonic missiles. The radius of the complex, depending on the rocket, is 40 to 400 km.