
"False Crownavirus": Doctors in Kherson deceive the Russians so that they would not capture the hospital - wsj

Journalists write that Russian invaders wanted to turn the hospital into a military hospital, but doctors did not allow them to do so. Then they stole the chief physician and put in the camera for "disagreeable". When the Russian troops occupied Kherson, they tried to control the hospital named after Opanas and Olga Tropin. To prevent them from doing so, doctors organized a "fake flash" Covid-19. About it writes The Wall Street Journal.

The publication writes that the occupiers ordered the chief doctor Leonid Romizi to remove the state flag of Ukraine from the entrance. He refused. "You can shoot me if you want but I'm not going to do it," the doctor said to the occupiers. It is reported that for the first time Russian soldiers went without insisting on their own. However, two doctors were then detained and banned from Ukrainian symbols.

However, doctors from the Tropin hospital hid the equipment and also began to spy for the Russians in favor of Ukrainian special services. Journalists write that Russian troops tried to turn the tropin hospital into a military hospital, to force doctors to treat them. Then they came to them the chief hospital of Remig in an anti -chumm suit and said that the Russians could not be included in the hospital. On the walls of the hospital, staff ghosts warning about dangerous infections.

It is reported that such a technique worked, and the Russians went for a short time. However, as stated in the material, doctors had to treat wounded Russians and civilians. The invaders tried to attract the chief physician of Remig. He had to ask the men whom he accepted for the FSB agents, as he was over. When the invaders realized that Remiga refused to cooperate with them, he was "released. " Instead, according to journalists, the chief hospital was appointed cardiologist Irina Sviridov.

The publication writes that the rags themselves were detained by the invaders. The doctor hid for several days in a friend, but in the end he was caught and put in the camera for keeping the "disagreeable". According to Remiga, he and other prisoners were forced to say: "Glory to Russia. The glory of Putin. " Those who refused were beaten. According to the doctor, he was released a week after the elderly, 68 years.

When the Ukrainian troops were released by Kherson, he again joined the post of chief physician. Irina Sviridova left the city, going to the territory occupied by Russia. Kherson's Hospital and Olga Tropini Hospital. The hospital's website states that in 2008 the institution was accredited by the Assessment Commission of the International Children's Fund "Unicef" for compliance with the status of "Hospital friendly to the child". WSJ writes that the hospital was founded in 1914.

Earlier, the VP stated that the Kherson had established electricity supply for the first time after the de -occupation. Initially, critically important objects are connected to the power grid, but soon electricity will appear in residential buildings, Kirill Tymoshenko assured. Focus also wrote that the media showed the Ukrainian military fighting on the lead in Kherson. The ability to take positions in the Kherson area allowed the Armed Forces to strike at the enemy's long -distance positions.