
Russia has put Ukraine and all Europeans a step away from the radiation disaster - the President of Ukraine's appeal

Ukrainians! Ukrainians! All Europeans! Today, for the first time in history, the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Station stopped. The emergency protection of the units - after the Russian shelling was damaged by the last working line of the station's output into the power system of Ukraine. Diesel generators worked immediately to give the station the station itself, to support it after stopping.

The world should understand what a threat is: if diesel generators did not turn on if the automatics and our station staff did not work after the blackout, then we would now have to overcome the effects of a radiation accident. Russia has put Ukraine and all Europeans in the situation from a radiation disaster. South of Ukraine - occupied districts - already in a state of humanitarian catastrophe.

In addition to all the evil, which the invaders brought there, there was a shutdown of electricity, water, sewage. Russia has brought degradation to our land that has never been seen here. It was just impossible to occupy. But this is the meaning and pride of the modern Russian state: it is only one thing - to make the worst possible. I want to assure all Ukrainians: we do our best to prevent an emergency scenario. But it depends not only on our country.

The key is to need an international pressure that will force the occupiers to get out of the Zaporizhzhya NPP immediately. The IAEA and other international organizations should act much faster than it is now. Because every minute of the Russian military at the nuclear power plant is the risk of a global radiation disaster. Of course, we do our best to keep the world know every detail of the situation at the Zaporozhye NPP.

And, in particular, today he spoke about this with the President of the United States by Biden. I am grateful to him for understanding and fully supporting the need to return the station under the proper control of Ukraine and immediately provide access to the IAEA. This can be done in a matter of days until the occupiers have brought the situation to an irreversible point. And it is easier to do it now than then if the wind begins to spread radiation pollution by Europe.

In general, our conversation with President Biden was very constructive, positive, quite long and effective. We have managed to discuss all issues that are of vital for the protection of Ukraine and freedom. I thanked Mr. President and all the people of the United States for defense and for considerable leadership in the macro -financial support of our country.

Only yesterday, Biden President agreed a package of $ 6 billion: three for defense assistance, three for financial through the World Bank system. And especially I thanked the inclusion of air defense in this package. We can really do that Russian rocket terror will be overcome when Ukraine receives NASAMS airless systems. Today, he met with the Foreign Minister of Italy, who came to Ukraine.

He thanked the Italian people, the President of Italy and personally by the Prime Minister of Italy Dragi for the principle of protecting the united Europe. Mr Dragie became one of those European leaders whose determination and personal morality made it possible to strengthen Europe at a critical moment, to protect normal life on our continent. Today, the expansion of cooperation between our countries and Italy's experience in strengthening security, including energy, have been discussed.

By the way, due to Russian gas blackmail gas prices in Europe this era have already exceeded $ 3,300 per thousand cubic meters. And this Russian anti -European policy is truly devastating, but in the strategic perspective - for Russia itself. There will be no longer such a player in Europe's energy market like Russia. Of course, now the situation is very dangerous, very sharp. But most European countries have come to energy issues very responsibly and do everything to adapt to protect.

If someone in Russia thinks that this winter will kneel Europe in general, or Ukraine or other individual countries, then it is a failing calculation. I believe that Europe is strong enough to correct the mistakes of the past to become independent of the Russian power system, from Russian energy and to not yield to the blackmail of energy terrorists from Gazprom. Ukraine is closely coordinating with partners and in these matters in energy matters.

The Government of Ukraine, our state -owned companies is doing everything we are ready to go through this winter season, and it will really be the most difficult in our history. And now we are in such circumstances, when it is already clear that the enemy will not reach its goals, but it still takes time, even more effort is needed to break the Russian calculation so that they will lose. We have to withstand this time and make all the necessary efforts with partners. And so it will be.

We will press on terrorists on all fronts - on the forefront, on the political front, in economic matters, in the information sphere. There will be a response to the occupiers for each shelling. For the Orichs - it will be. For the Chaplin - it will be. For Shepetivka - it will be, for Mirgorod, for Kharkiv, for Mariupol, the cities of Donbass, for all others, on whom the Russian military is beating - will be their answer.