
The President discussed with the CEO of the International Organization for Migration Support for Ukrainians suffering from war

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky held a meeting with the CEO of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Antonio Vytorino. The head of state thanked the interlocutor for a visit to Ukraine and visiting the liberated territories of Kyiv region. He urged the Mom leader to bring the truth he saw to the world as possible. "It is very important that the head of the International Organization for Migration has seen the consequences of Russia's war against Ukraine," the President said.

“You understand in detail all these problems caused by war. We know and appreciate that the International Migration Organization supports Ukrainians not with words, but specific steps. First of all, displaced persons are forced both inside Ukraine and abroad, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy added. The president focused on the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of a full -scale Russian invasion, which caused the largest crisis of forced migration in the world.

He expressed his gratitude to the MIM head for practical assistance from the organization of the United Nations of more than a million Ukrainians - both forced displaced persons outside our country and internally displaced persons. The illegal mass deportation of Ukrainians to Russia, including women, children and our defenders, and the filtration camp system, became a separate topic of negotiations.

Volodymyr Zelensky stressed that it is a gross violation of international humanitarian law and war crime, and called on Antonio Vytorino to put as much as possible on Russia to put an end to this shameful phenomenon. "We are in favor of the international migration organization to have more access to deported Ukrainians, especially those areas where there are so -called filtration camps," he said.

The specific directions of further cooperation between Ukraine with the IOM, in particular the comprehensive long -term solution of the most important problems of forced displaced persons (housing, guarantees of social protection), were discussed. The President informed Antonio Vtorino about the challenges that are expected in connection with the approach of the heating season, primarily because Russia has started to strike on critical infrastructure.