
"Definitely to blame": Putin should be faced with court in Ukraine - Miloshevich's prosecutor

According to the British lawyer, Ukraine itself can initiate a lawsuit, and Putin himself does not necessarily be present on it. A lawyer who had previously headed the lawsuit of the former Serbian leader Slobodan Miloshevich, Sir Juffre Nice said that Russian President Vladimir Putin should be awarded to a court in Ukraine. About it writes the BBC. According to him, Putin is unambiguous in war crimes against Ukrainians.

It is unclear for him why Western politicians are afraid to speak the Court of Justice by the Kremlin. Nice stated that Moscow's actions can be described as "crimes against humanity. " Therefore, the case against Putin will be very "clear", since there is no doubt that this person is leading a chain of all Russian instances. According to Naya, Putin is the most important military criminal. Moreover, Ni said that the lawsuit can be started at any moment.

And the Kremlin's head itself does not necessarily be present on it. However, the event can plan a peace agreement in which Putin will avoid responsibility. Nice noted that the International Criminal Court (ICS), whose jurisdiction is extending to Ukraine, "has not yet made a statement about Putin's responsibility for this crime. " However, it is unclear to the lawyer whether there is a political advantage of refusing to accuse the President of the Russian Federation.

The expert is convinced that the absence of a court over Putin will be unfair with respect to Ukrainians. Jeffrey Nice is a British royal lawyer who was a leading accuser in the process of former President of Serbia Slobodan Miloshevich in the International Tribunal from the former Yugoslavia (MTKYU). Naya initiated the initial case of accusation of the relationship of atrocities committed in the former Yugoslavia, with Miloshevich.

Slobodan Miloshevich - President of Serbia, was one of the founders and the first leader of the Socialist Party. On May 27, 1999 (during a conflict in Kosovo), Miloshevich was accused of NATO of war crimes, violation of the Geneva Convention and Genocide. On April 1, 2001, Miloshevich was arrested in his villa in the Belgrad district of Dedinier.

He died as a defendant on March 11, 2006 in Hague prison from myocardial infarction earlier, Focus wrote that in the Russian Federation a possible scenario of Putin's departure was voiced. Initially, the elites, according to the Kremlin's head of the Kremlin, Abbas Gallyov, intend to offer Putin an option that will allow you to get out of politics peacefully and save your habitual life. Otherwise, they can start acting more decisively.

It was also reported that the expert stated that Putin was leading Russia to the dark forest, which she could not get out of. The Admiral of the US Navy retired how the New Year was celebrated in Russia and other countries of the world. We will also remind that Putin allowed "unfriendly" countries to pay for gas debts in foreign currency. It is reported that debt repayment does not give grounds for restoring the supply of Russian gas to buyers who do not meet other requirements of Putin's decree.