
The US was reported by the US that they would not fight directly with Russia - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

According to Sergiy Lavrov, Pentagon now seeks to cancel the prohibitions in the country's military budget for financing the Azov Regiment. The United States allegedly stated that they would not directly fight the Russian Federation. Washington also does not intend to send its experts to Ukraine through the transfer of Patriot air defense complexes.

On Wednesday, December 28, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov told in an interview with the Great Game on the First Channel. In particular, Lavrov reported that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation was asked in the United States on their preparing channels, whether they are preparing to send military specialists to Kiev. Washington said that there were no such intentions.

The Russian Foreign Minister also argues that the US side has several times informally proposed to hold meetings to discuss the war in Ukraine, but these initiatives have come to naught. "There were several such informal proposals during this period. And we answered consent every time. One of them materialized," Lavrov commented. He recalled that in November the head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergey Narishkin met in Ankara with his colleague William Burns.

After that, other offers came from the United States, it did not lead to anything. According to the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Pentagon seeks to abolish the ban on the country's military budget for financing the regiment "Azov" in Congress, when the US military budget was approved now, there again, as Congressmen do every year, they included a ban on any assistance-military , material, weapons - Azov battalion or Azov regiment.

And every time the Pentagon objects to it, seeks to exclude this ban from the US budget, "the diplomat stressed. We will remind, on December 27, Sergey Lavrov stated that Ukraine should fulfill the requirements of the Russian Federation "Zhidrum-Pozdorov", otherwise everything will be decided by the Russian army. According to him, Ukraine has to fulfill all the requirements of Moscow, recognizing the occupied territories behind it.