
"The best artists are killed, protecting freedom." Elena Zelenskaya reacted to the death of Alexander Shapoval, who served in the Armed Forces

The first lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska responded to the death of a ballet soloist of the national opera, Honored Artist of Ukraine Oleksandr Shapoval, who served in the Armed Forces. Zelenskaya expressed his condolences to his family, and also noted that the best artists were killed on the front, protecting the country from Russian invaders.

“In the morning, we all learned the terrible news: in the battle in Donetsk, Alexander Shapoval was killed in Donetsk - he was a soloist of the ballet of the National Opera, Honored Artist of Ukraine. Alexander was a star of Ukrainian ballet, according to friends, lived in a dance. However, in February, he enrolled in the Armed Forces because he believed that he was responsible to protect the country. And changed the ballet machine to a grenade launcher.

The abyss between us and the Russians is particularly acute at such moments. Because on the eve of Alexander's death, the invaders staged a concert on the ruins of a drama theater in Mariupol - who themselves destroyed. While we die the best artists, protecting freedom - the invaders cynically arrange a "feast" on the place where hundreds of people were killed. Prove again: we have nothing to do with and can not be.