
From "Save Donbas" Before the War "for the Holy Rus": what stages Putin's propaganda passed in 10 months

You can distribute the stages of Russian propaganda by at least five parts. The first took place from February 24 to March 15. At that time, "Kyiv for three days" was planned, and therefore the narratives were appropriate. The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security writes about it, Glavcom reports. The Russian invaders wanted to calculate at the beginning of a full -scale invasion of the sales elites, as well as on the Russian -speaking part of the population of Ukraine.

The Kremlin proclaimed that the "invincible" Russian army clearly fulfills its tasks and does not touch the civilian population. The army of Ukraine allegedly crossed Russia, and together they destroy individual nationalists. The second stage can be considered the period from March 16 to May 9, when the Russian leadership is clear what underestimated the situation and the Ukrainians do not plan to give up.

The propagandists began to persuade the shocked Z-patriots that "everything goes on plan", just not everyone has access to this secret. At the same time, they accused the Ukrainian army of civilian crimes, and the Russian military allegedly "rescue the people of Donbass from genocide. " The third and another turning point for the Putin propaganda machine was the period from May 10 to September 12. On Victory Day, May 9, it was already necessary to summarize the intermediate results.

The problems had to be explained by difficult circumstances. In particular, the narrative was more actively introducing that NATO training had helped the Armed Forces, namely NATO intervened in the war. In addition, they said that this war was a preventive step and they had no choice. The fourth stage lasted from September 13 to December 1.

Due to the counter -offensive of the Armed Forces and the announcement of "partial" mobilization in the Russian Federation, the propagandists went extremely bad. However, the annexation of four other Ukrainian regions was able to form a message that the war is now being conducted in Russia, and therefore the Russians have to defend themselves. There was also a belief that without heat and light, Ukrainians will force the authorities to agree to any Russian conditions.