
"The Russian Federation left Moldova in the dark": Sandu reacted to blackberries in the country through shelling of Ukraine

According to Moldova President, the Kremlin cannot be trusted, which makes people live in the cold and without light. According to Parliament, the critical situation was automatically switched off by electricity transit from Romania. Moldova President Maya Sandu commented on electricity supply problems in Moldova after massive rocket strokes of the Russian Federation on the power system of Ukraine. The head of the Moldavian state wrote about it on Facebook.

"Russia left Moldova in the dark," she commented. Sandu noted that, as a result of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, people are dying and residential quarters are being destroyed. In addition, Moscow continues to beat the rockets on energy infrastructure. "Attacks on Ukraine continue now. People pull their wounded from the rubble. And they are mourning their dead loved ones. People cannot be turned back. But electricity supply can be restored," the president said.

The politician emphasized that Moldova would necessarily solve all technical problems and there will be light in the country again. All state institutions of the state are now working in this direction, it added. According to the head of Moldova, it is impossible to trust the Russian regime, which leaves people in darkness and cold and "deliberately kills people with a simple desire to keep other peoples in poverty and humiliation.

" "No matter how difficult it is now, our only way, the future path of the Republic of Moldova must remain towards the free world," Sandu summed up. The Moldova Parliament Member of the Moldova Parliament explained that the critical situation in Ukraine has led to the automatic overlap of the transit line from Romania. According to him, such shutdown of electricity was necessary to protect electrical networks and substations from overload.

"If the automatic shutdown was not used, power plants could be seriously affected and shutdowns could last longer," he said. After massive rocket strokes on critical infrastructure in Ukrainian cities on Wednesday, March 23, in neighboring Moldova problems with energy supply began. There is no light in the houses, and in Chisinau, due to lack of power, trolleybuses stopped on the network, as a result of the passage of motor vehicles on the roads was difficult.

The city became in traffic jams, and people at stops are waiting for at least some public transport. In some parts of the capital of Moldova there are no traffic lights, and the gas stations were lined up from cars. There were also mobile problems in the country. According to operators, communications will be able to renew after recovery of electricity supply. In some areas of the city, water supply has disappeared.