
Why the Russian Air Base in Novofedorovka could not attack drones - the editor -in -chief of Defense Express

The editor -in -chief of the Military Portal Defense Express Oleg Katkov in an interview with Radio NV, explained why the attack on Russia's air base in Novofedorovka could not be made with the help of drones. “We see two powerful explosions. Moreover, they happened at the same time. Such a powerful explosion cannot be done, for example, by dropping a bomb from the Baracar -type drone, because there the bomb has a total weight of 50 kg.

It is low -power and can not make such a "cotton" physically, even if it falls into ammunition. Yes, there may be a great explosion, but the problem is that there will be no two at the same time, ”Katkov Radko NV said. He added that what caused the explosions at the Russian air base had a rather powerful combat part, so drones-Kamikadze can also be excluded. "They have a rather limited combat part of a maximum of a few tens of kilograms," explained the editor -in -chief of Defense Express.

On Tuesday, August 9, several explosions were heard in the Crimea occupied by Russia at the military airfield near the village of Novofedorivka. The Russian Defense Ministry stated that there was a "detonation of several aviation ammunition due to violations of fire safety rules". The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine commented on the explosions at the Saki airfield in the occupied Crimea.

The agency noted that it could not determine the cause of the fire in the airfield, but reminds of fire safety rules and smoking prohibition in unspecified places. According to CNN, the explosions destroyed at least seven Russian military aircraft. These are the greatest losses of Russian aviation through the day of World War II.

According to the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, more than nine Russian aircraft were destroyed in the Crimea after a blow to the airfield near Novofedorivka village. The Washington Post, citing a Ukrainian official, reported that an attack on an airfield near the village of Novofedorivka was standing units of special operations.