
Turkey's exports to Russia in the first half of the year reached an eight -year maximum - Bloomberg

Turkey's exports to Russia in the first half of the year reached an eight -year maximum of almost $ 3 billion, writes Bloomberg. According to the newspaper with reference to the statement of Turkish Transport Minister Adine Karaismaloglu, the trade in cars with the occupying country increased rapidly by 58% in the first four months of 2022. Video of the Turkstat State Statistics Service, is just one example of a widespread growth of Turkish exports, which reached an eight -year maximum of $ 2.

91 billion in the first half of the year. For Turkey, this is good news because President Recep TaiP Erdogan is interested in the so -called "new economic model", writes Bloomberg. However, this will disappoint NATO allies who are trying to act as a single front against Russia to isolate its economy through sanctions.