
"Witched in the cards." In February, the Russian invaders went "Kharkiv Brothers", but moved in the opposite direction - the head of the community

The head of the Dergachiv community of Kharkiv region Vyacheslav Zadorenko stated that in February Russian invaders planned to go "Kharkiv brothers", but were entangled in the maps and moved in the opposite direction. About it reports Kharkiv press club on Facebook. “Russian troops were regrouping and on the 26th (February-Red) column went to the city of Kharkiv. But they were confused in topography, in the maps, ”he said.

According to him, the troops of the Russian Federation went to the settlement of Bezruki and through the bows tried to go on the outskirts of Dergach. "In those meadows they began to be broken, and they jumped, again confused, turned not to the left, but to the right and to the right to the side of the Zolochiv community (in the opposite direction from Kharkiv - Red)," he said. Zadorenko stated that the invaders rose to the hill and "burst this column" above the Armed Forces.