
The Armed Forces and our people every day prove to the occupiers that they have no chance of avoiding on Ukrainian land - the appeal of President Vladimir Zelensky

Good evening, Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Europeans! Our atomic, all energy professionals, manage to protect the Zaporozhye Nuclear Station from the worst scenario, which is constantly provoked by the Russian forces. The station has currently managed to go to the network. Welcome. It produces energy for Ukraine. I would like to emphasize that the situation remains very risky, dangerous.

Any repetition of yesterday's events, that is, any disconnection of the station from the network, any actions of Russia that can provoke disconnection of the reactors will again deliver the station a step from the disaster. That is why it is so important that the IAEA mission arrives at the station as soon as possible and helped to keep the NPP under Ukrainian control in constant mode.

That is why it is so important that Russian troops leave the station and neighboring areas and that the threat of shelling of the station itself or power lines from it disappears. Ukrainian diplomats and our partners continue to fight for safety for the NPP. And today I want to thank all those who mobilize the world's response to Russian radiation blackmail.

All of our atomics are good, you are cool! All our energy - you are strong - whose professionalism now saves Ukraine and Europe in the truest sense, when they overcome the consequences of Russian terror at the station! Today we can draw the first conclusions about the salvation of many countries, many peoples from the food crisis that Russia so wanted to exacerbate for real famine.

For almost a month, export grain initiative has been working, and during this time, from our three seaports - the Black Sea, Odessa and South - exported the first million tons of agricultural products since February 24. It's a victory. This means in practice that the Ukrainian grain and the very fact that the Ukrainian direction of supply to the global food market is allowed to prevent chaos on the market, relieve the severity of the food crisis and not allow the catastrophic deficit.

Ukraine has been, is and will be among the guarantors of world food security. By the way, 44 vessels with Ukrainian agricultural products have already been sent in 15 countries, we have another 70 applications for arrival of ships for loading. The goal is to reach 3 million tons of exports by sea on a monthly basis. And this is extremely important for Africa, Asia and Europe.

It is also important that in our society they are aware: this export not only supports the international subjectivity of Ukraine, but also gives jobs for our citizens - it is hundreds of thousands of jobs, gives income for Ukrainian companies, to our budget and that very much Important, gives money for sowing next year. I still remember the joy of port workers in Odessa when they not just learned, but really saw that the port resumed work.

This is a really important result for Ukraine, for the Black Sea region and for the whole world. And I am grateful to all who joined this work, this initiative. I emphasize that this is the full responsibility of partners-to prevent any Russian provocations and disruption of exports. We continue to mobilize information support for Ukraine.

Now is the time that we need to look for even more unusual channels of spreading the truth about the war of Russia against us, our independence, the needs of our country. We constantly find new information friends - real friends - partners in the protection of freedom and in combating the misinformation of Russia. Yes, today he spoke with Jimmy Fellon - a very famous American TV presenter, an actor - about how to draw attention to Ukraine, how to bring the truth to the United States, to people.

How can Ukraine still help - it was its main question. The question of how to win this information war against the lies of the Russian Federation. The situation on the forefront remains without significant changes these days. Our warriors do everything possible to reduce the fire and logistics potential of the invaders. I think you all see the relevant news - about the destruction of the databases of the invaders, their warehouses, those crossings through the rivers they use.

And the more successful we will be in this - our intelligence, our army, the Security Service of Ukraine - we can change the front situation in our favor. The Armed Forces of Ukraine, all of our people are argued daily to the Russian invaders that they do not have and will not be likely to be protected on Ukrainian soil. The day will come when the invaders recognize it. Or they just won't stay.