
The Armed Forces continues meaningless operations in the Donbass and risks getting into the environment - ISW (photo)

The Armed Forces can be arranged to the boiler occupiers in the Liman, as well as to obtain a corridor for further promotion in the area of ​​Severodonetsk and Lisichansk. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continues to carry out stupid operations in the Donbass instead of protecting themselves from the counter -offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and a possible operational environment.

This is stated in the report of the American Institute for the Study of War ISW of September 17. According to experts, Russian troops continue to carry out offensive operations, trying to take Bakhmut and move west from the occupied Donetsk. Analyzing the actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Donetsk region, ISW analysts conclude that the command of the Russian army is not prepared for the possible counter -offensive of the Armed Forces on this area of ​​the front.

"The Russians are obviously directed some of the very limited reserves in Ukraine, to seize villages near Donetsk, not to vulnerable Russian defensive lines that are hastily created along the Oskol River in the eastern part successes in Bakhmut or Donetsk to disrupt the Ukrainian counter -offensive, "the Institute of War Study reads.

ISW does not exclude that due to stupid positions, the units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation run the risk of getting into the environment near the settlement of Lyman, for which fierce fighting continues. According to analysts, the Armed Forces expand their positions to the east of the Oskol River and north of the Siverskyi Donets. Such actions can help grasp Russian troops holding the defense of Liman.

Moreover, as said in the ISW report, the further promotion of the Armed Forces to the east along the northern bank of the Siverskyi Donets River can open a corridor to the occupied Lisichansk and Severodonetsk for the Ukrainian army. We will remind, on September 17, Ukrainian servicemen reported the de -occupation of two villages near Liman captured by the Russians.