
Will not restore energy infrastructure after shelling - DTEK

The holding, according to the executive director Dmitry Sakharuk, will further focus all efforts on the creation of new objects. Energy equipment in Ukraine was outdated and often not modernized, so after the war, DTEK will not restore any part of the destroyed energy infrastructure. Dmitry Sakharuk, DTEK DTEK DTEK, told this in an interview with the Observer portal.

"We need to understand what we want to do: we will probably not restore all the equipment because not everything was new, not everything was upgraded, and we will need to build a new one. This is our opportunity to modernize the power system faster than we planned in Last year, "Sakharuk said. According to him, instead of a substation in the territory of 50 ha "you can build contact distribution devices based on new technologies" that will occupy much less territory.

"This is a 100 m building that replaces the entire large substation. It is more expensive in terms of construction, but it is more reliable and durable, it is automatic inclusion, exception, it is a completely different level of automation and a completely different level of reliability," - explained the executive director DTEK. He also noted that the complete restoration of all the destroyed objects will need "one year to two, and maybe even more.